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  1. › defineUrban Dictionary: B)

    2005年7月6日 · A smiley face with sunglasses. A slang used mostly in Roblox. The slang is an emoticon resembling a person with nerdy glasses. It's used to mark sarcastic bragging or just a silly expression.

  2. 2022年1月6日 · glossy taco. Slang used in the nail art world meaning "glossy top coat", because of the similarity in the pronunciation of the two phrases. The phrase was coined and made popular by famous nail 'artist' Cristine Rotenberg ( Simply Nailogical) after she created, climbed and conquered Polish Mountain. Add a nice thick coat of glossy taco then let ...

  3. 2018年10月18日 · the state of inequivalent boredom, unlike any boredom you have ever known which makes you type out the letters from left to right on a keyboard. the state of inequivalent boredom, unlike any boredom you have ever known which makes you type out the letters from

  4. 2023年8月8日 · G3n is a term defined in Urban Dictionary, capturing the essence of modern internet slang and expressions.

  5. 2023年9月15日 · Berrisexual: Someone attracted to women and feminine genders and androgynous genders, but also very rarely attracted to men and masculine genders. Berrisexual: Someone attracted to women and feminine genders and androgynous genders, but also very rarely

  6. 2023年10月31日 · like having a situationship but it's more about just talking and flirting © 1999-2024 Urban Dictionary ®

  7. 2004年5月13日 · An abbreviation for "Good 4 You" or "Good for you". IDOLiSH7, a popular idol franchise in Japan used the word "G4Y" in referring to their first national wide concert tour アイドリッシュセブン VISIBLIVE TOUR "Good 4 You" which inspire their fans to incorporate this ...

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