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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [lʌmp]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 團,塊[C][(+of)] The artist started with a big lump of clay. 藝術家用一大塊黏土開始雕塑。
    • 2. 隆起,腫塊[C] Vera found a lump in her right breast. 維拉發現右乳有一腫塊。


    • 1. 成塊狀的
    • 2. 整個兒的,總共的 I would like my allowance in a lump sum. 我希望把我的零用錢全數發給我。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 把……弄成一團;把……歸併到一起;把……混為一談[O][(+together)] You can't lump all these different things together. 你不可以將所有這些不同的事物統統歸併在一起。
    • 2. 笨重地移動;使重重地坐下[(+down/about)]

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 結塊;起疙瘩 The words lumped in her throat. 話在她喉頭哽住了。
    • 2. 笨重地行走;沉重地坐下[(+along/down)] The old lady was lumping along in the snow. 老婦人在雪中吃力地行走著。

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  2. a separate large amount. (單獨的)大量,一大筆. I'll be getting the insurance money in two lumps. 我將獲得的保險金有兩大部分。 减少例句. My clay pot ended up as just a shapeless lump. He had a lump on his head the size of an egg. There were lumps of mud all over the carpet. He ate an enormous lump of cheese. My custard always has lumps in it. lump noun [C] (IN THE BODY)

    • 繁體

      SEPARATE翻譯:各自的;單獨的,不同的, (使)分離;(使 ...

    • 查看更多內容

      LUMP翻譯:块, (通常指无固定形状的)块,团, (单独的) ...

  3. n. 名詞. 1. 團,塊 [C] [(+of)] The artist started with a big lump of clay. 藝術家用一大塊黏土開始雕塑。 2. 隆起,腫塊 [C] Vera found a lump in her right breast. 維拉發現右乳有一腫塊。 3. 小方塊;方(糖);(煤)塊 [C] [(+of)] John dropped...

  4. LUMP翻译:块, (通常指无固定形状的)块,团, (单独的)大量,一大笔, 身内, (尤指因疾病或伤害而出现的)肿块, 人, 笨重的人,愚蠢的大块头。 了解更多。

  5. lump中文,lump的意思,lump翻譯及用法 - 英漢詞典. 英 [lʌmp] 美 [lʌmp] n. 塊,塊狀;腫塊;瘤;很多;笨人. adv. 很;非常. vt. 混在一起;使成塊狀;忍耐;笨重地移動. adj. 成團的;總共的. vi. 結塊. 英語釋義. an awkward stupid person. a compact mass; "a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder" group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side. a large piece of something without definite shape;

  6. lump [ lʌmp ] I n [c] 1 (= piece) [ of clay, butter, wood, sugar etc] 块 (塊) kuài. 2 (= protrusion) ( on body) 肿 (腫)块 (塊) zhǒngkuài [个 gè ] II vt to lump together ( inf) [+ things, places] 杂 (雜)凑 (湊)在一起 zácòu zài yīqǐ. [+ people] 混在一起 hùn zài yīqǐ. 在这些条目还发现'lump': 在英文解释里:

  7. lump. 显示所有例句. n. 1. (通常为无定形的)块 a piece of sth hard or solid, usually without a particular shape. 2. 肿块;隆起 a swelling under the skin, sometimes a sign of serious illness. 3. (informal) 笨重的人;懒汉;傻大个 a heavy, lazy or stupid person. IDM. have, etc. a lump in your throat.

  8. n. 块,团; 肿块; 许多,大量; 笨拙的人. vi. 结成块; 成团; 笨重地行走. vt. 使成团,使成块; 使团结在一起; 把…混在一起. 词态变化. 复数: lumps; 第三人称单数: lumps; 过去式: lumped; 过去分词: lumped; 现在分词: lumping; 实用场景例句. 全部. 肿块. 许多. 大量. 成块的. a lump of coal/cheese/wood. 一块煤 / 奶酪 / 木头. 牛津词典. This sauce has lumps in it. 这调味汁里有结块。 牛津词典. One lump or two? 加一块方糖还是两块? 牛津词典. He was unhurt apart from a lump on his head.