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  1. Decentralization is a core aspect of the Cosmos ecosystem, profoundly influencing its structure and operations, and it is achieved through their unique consensus model and the fundamental architecture that supports multiple interconnected blockchains, each operating autonomously.

  2. A DHT is a hash table that partitions the keyspace and distributes the parts across a set of nodes. For any new content added to the network, a hash (k) is calculated and a message is sent to any node participating in the DHT. This message is forwarded from node to node until it reaches the node responsible for k.

  3. Description. Will Ruddick: "if communities, businesses and groups across the US were to create formalized commitments denominated in USD and have them curated and placed in pools (that enable exchange) with relative value indices - there would be a diverse their portfolio of curated assets people can exchange (providing liquidity).

  4. This second edition, Code Version 2.0, updates the work and was prepared in part through a wiki, a web site allowing readers to edit the text, making this the first reader-revision of a popular book. Code counters the common belief that cyberspace cannot be controlled or censored.

  5. A share ratio of 1.0 means that a user has uploaded as much data as they have downloaded. A share ratio greater than 1 means that a user has uploaded more than they have downloaded. It is generally considered good form to at least share back the equivalent amount of traffic as the original file size.

  6. 'A pirate code was a code of conduct invented for governing pirates, and first introduced by the Portuguese buccaneer Bartolomeu Português. Generally each pirate crew had its own code or articles, which provided rules for discipline, division of stolen goods, and compensation for injured pirates.

  7. The origins of Blockchain Commons lie with Rebooting the Web of Trust, an organization founded by Christopher in the Fall of 2015 to host design workshops that focus on decentralized identity and digital assets.