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  1. 獨立筒床墊價格 相關

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  1. 2019年5月20日 · Written by Frank M. Lin May 20th, 2019 4:50 pm @ New Taipei City, Taiwan - With the trade wars between USA and China appearing to be escalating, one subject of interest is rare earth metals. This particular article was written in 2017 and gives good insights ...

  2. 2010年10月19日 · Wow, 阿扁 (two consecutive term President of Taiwan from 2000-2008) is such a coward back in 2003. Go Sissy!! Your are doing wonderful things for Taiwan. Keep up the excellent work!! The stupid ass …

  3. 2017年5月9日 · Posted by Frank M. Lin 5/8/2017 6:05 pm @ San Francisco, California - I read this piece back in 2014 and it is very eloquently written. It had just popped on my Facebook "memories" feed so I wanted to archive it on my blog. I fully share her sentiments.

  4. 2016年12月5日 · Written by Frank M. Lin 12/03/2016 1:43 am @ Union City, California - This is a worthy article to share. I don't feel like translating it, my English readers can probably use google translate and get the gist of the article. I'm just blogging it for my own reference. In

  5. 2014年1月30日 · Last updated 3/3/2014 8:36 am @ Taipei, Taiwan - I added an English article title to give some hints on what this extremely well researched and written article is about. It covers history of the end of Song dynasty and end of Ming dynasty. What happened in those

  6. Posts about evil written by GhettoRacer Posted Saturday 5/10/2014 2:18 pm @ Taipei, Taiwan – I’ve been saying this for few years ever since the HPV vaccine was announced and there was a USA wide national push to get all the girls vaccinated.

  7. 2014年3月11日 · Posted 3/12/2014 7:24 am @ Taipei, Taiwan - big pharma's are evil as hell. here are seven once hugely popular and successful drugs that have since been shown to have EXTREMELY NEGATIVE side effects. once again proves the saying that pharma's are all about

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