Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Facebook isn’t a social network, it is a scanner that digitises human beings. It is, for all intents and purposes, the camera that captures your soul. Facebook’s business is to simulate you and to own and control your simulation, thereby owning and controlling

  2. Taiwan — a 30-year old democracy that just went through its 3rd change of power by election this May — is on the way to creating a something new under the sun.

  3. Retrieved from ""

  4. It can help to understand the shock waves of support that brought us the Italian Five Star Movement, Podemos in Spain, Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders, and most recently Brexit and Trump – all of which have campaigned against the “establishment” and challenged traditional political institutions to breaking point.

  5. Dmytri Kleiner is the author of The Telekommunist Manifesto, and a contributing artist to the “Miscommunication Technologies” continuing series of artworks in collaboration with the Telekommunisten Network.

  6. For starters, we might include in this category Mark Zuckerberg's conception of Facebook as a means of reconstituting the organization of information online in terms of a "social graph" -- a means of organizing information and facilitating searches based not on ...

  7. Discussion. Maxwell Kanter et al.: "Although we've talked about squads evolving in order to support the goal of creating larger, more resilient communities, we haven't explicitly asked: why do we even need to evolve beyond small, independent groups? Fundamentally, squads get by on vibes because they have high trust and alignment.