Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Mesh businesses share four characteristics: sharing, advanced use of Web and mobile information networks, a focus on physical goods and materials, and engagement with customers through social networks. One trend is “tryvertising,” where, instead of advertising, companies place products in people’s daily lives.

  2. Surveys show that we’ve remained stubbornly fond of perennial favorites like “password,” “123456” and “LetMeIn.” The underlying problem, however, isn’t their simplicity. It’s the log-on procedure itself, in which we land on a Web page, which may or may not be ...

    • Context
    • Definition
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    • Discussion

    Ryzhom: "Framing Holochain - a non-blockchain architecture for distributed social applications (dApps or hApps) and the ground level for further expanding an evolvable, fully distributed framework for coordinated sense-making and collective value-creation (i.e., means of articulating value) on all scales. Even though it had been conceived of and sl...

    "Holochain provides a data structure that can be used to build decentralized apps. You have your own chain, which you can add data to, including financial transactions. The chains can merge, split, and interact in complex ways. The data is stored in a decentralized way (like Bittorrent). The data has a hash, which is a mathematical fingerprint that...

    1. Aaron Fernando: "Although the proponents of Holochain proudly stand by the fact that it is not a blockchain, for the layperson Holochain has very many similar use-cases. One main difference is that it comes without the prerequisite of using the enormous amounts of energy required by "proof-of-work" blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum, yet it i...

    Arthur Brock et al.: "Holochain delivers on the dreams of making decentralized computing easy and real. It provides the underlying cryptographic fabric to maintain data integrity across unlimited peers without requiring consensus. Integrity without consensus means: ● immediate and efficient processing, ● no proof-of-work, ● no proof-of-stake, ● no ...

    "Holographic storage for distributed applications. A holochain is a validating distributed hash table (DHT) where every node enforces validation rules on data against the signed chains where the data originated. In other words, a holochain functions very much like a blockchain without bottlenecks when it comes to enforcing validation rules, but is ...

  3. If something is closed, you can't. Radical transparency means opening up not only your yearly books (we need to do this anyways), but also openly sharing your planning, learning and relationships as you go along. This doesn't have to be hard: just take the

  4. Ever more markers would have been added to this initial “password,” many of them connected to our bodies, transforming them into flesh-and-blood bulletin boards for displaying human identity. Having looked at how markers of identity originated, we are in a position to explore the psychology underlying those markers and society membership.

  5. Free2air is designed as an open network for public use. As a security expert, Adam Burns places particular emphasis on the political implications of the configuration of a network. Free2air uses none of the methods for the authentication or registration of users that are provided for in the wireless network standard.

  6. Description "OpenID is a decentralized system to verify one's online identity... It solves the single sign-on problem without relying on any centralized website to confirm digital identity. OpenID users identify themselves with a URI or XRI which they own, such as for a ...

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