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  1. › om011527 › omdia-pricewise--paneltrackOmdia PriceWise & PanelTrack Omdia

    2024年5月23日 · PanelTrack offers free monthly TFT LCD panel shipments and revenues by supplier and each application. PriceWise is a free monthly LCD panel pricing service for major applications like notebook, monitor, TV, smartphone, and tablet displays.

  2. WitsView Technology Coperation is a LCD market research firm that provides the latest information on panel price and street price. In addition, market intelligence, including industry update, capacity status, product information, company performance, cost breakdown, and sufficiency analysis is also available.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2024年5月24日 · Product overview. All products. This tracker combines monthly and quarterly updates, for a timely market analysis. Our industry experts cover the entire range of large-area display panels, shipped worldwide and regionally. Evaluate risks and opportunities with the most reliable data and insights, by panel size, maker, technology, ,and more.

  5. 6 天前 · Product overview. All products. This report offers an essential overview of the large-area display market, from notebooks to LCD TVs. Omdia helps you identify opportunities with monthly panel price updates, supply and demand analysis, shipment data, and 12 month forecasts. Stay competitive with the latest market and technology insights.

  6. 2014年8月23日 · NPD DisplaySearch預計3季面板工廠的產量將低於第2季,由於資源短缺緩解,面板廠商目前最關鍵的任務是防止面板價格的下降,蘇冠錦表示,在第3季面板需求將逐步下降,並進入供需平衡,工廠產量也將相應下調,第4季面板庫存調整的風險也不容忽視。 美超微法說會變法會 是AI危機還是轉機? 掌握全球財經資訊 點我下載APP. ‌. 延伸閱讀. 友達4月營收年增28% BHTC挹注抵銷面板出貨下滑. 群創4月營收193億元 年增13% 〈友達法說〉Q2面板量價揚 垂直場域營收強勁雙位數季增. 〈友達法說〉Q1稅後淨損35億元 每股損失0.46元較前季擴大. 群創攜手日商合作新一代3D封裝 2025年下半年量產. 〈智慧顯示展〉友達與工研院策略合作 聚焦四大領域應用.

  7. 2015年5月20日 · IHS DisplaySearch has shared its latest panel pricing data from the PriceWise service, covering late Q1/early Q2. Brands purchased fewer notebook panels in early Q2, due to inventory digestion and European currency issues.

  8. 2004年6月15日 · DisplaySearch是專門研究顯示器(Display)國際研究機構,而TFT-LCD大起大落的產業特性,DisplaySearch每一季針對未來面板市場的供需分析,不僅是TFT-LCD產業內最受重視的研究報告,往往更直接影響了友達、奇美等面板股的後市走勢;而國際媒體對