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  7. PTT 網頁版 登入/註冊 [ Tech_Job] [科技] 這裡是科技板 (370人氣) +收藏 最新 熱門 分頁 (5置底文) 搜尋 公告 54 [公告] 板規十五 offer請益文 m文解除申請 ...

  8. 2024年2月20日 · 分紅50w以上才需要綁約~ 職等/年資/考績/分紅/調薪 E7/1y/I+/4.7m/5.5% E7/2y/i+/3Xw/4% E7/2.7y/E/51w/4.5%

  9. 2021年10月31日 · Are curious and always learning. Strive to write clean and well-tested code. Are highly driven, gritty, and scrappy when you need to be. Leverage open source technologies in a smart and practical way to solve proble ms while creating maintainable and evolving systems.

  10. 2021年8月11日 · You will: Works with the design team, cross functional teams and suppliers to ensure the design meets requirements for schedule, feature set, functionality, cost, qua lity, reliability, regulatory compliance, and industry standards compliance.

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