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  1. 乾品燕窩價格 相關

  2. 現在訂購全館免運!天然乾燕窩發泡倍數8-14倍,保留完整營養價值,批發價送禮不失禮、自用更實惠. 精選馬來西亞、印尼產地燕屋生產!三等級燕盞、純淨大燕條、天然大燕角等,每公克最低54元起

    • 圓潤燕窩



    • 特選金絲燕



  3. 老字號信用推薦,滋補美顏聖品,100% 純正頂級乾品燕窩、燕盞、燕條、燕角,行家精挑細選高品質. 網友推薦老字號純正乾品燕窩,無人工添加、方便保存,絕不塗膠、不漂白


  1. 英文翻譯 手機版. consumable. m-electronics. "耗材網" 英文翻譯 : bioconsumable. "少耗材" 英文翻譯 : reduction. "消耗材" 英文翻譯 : construction (or running) store; construction store. "打印耗材" 英文翻譯 : printing consumables. "電腦耗材" 英文翻譯 : computer consumables.

  2. freight forward. freight payable at destination. freight to collect. "運費" 英文翻譯 : transportation expenses; fre ... "到" 英文翻譯 : 39. "付" 英文翻譯 : commit to; hand over to; del ... "到付運費運費到付" 英文翻譯 : collect freight. "運費到付提單" 英文翻譯 : freight at destination b/l; freight payable at ...

  3. 接收,驗收(交貨,供應)的英文翻譯,接收,驗收(交貨,供應)英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯接收,驗收(交貨,供應),接收,驗收(交貨,供應)的英文單字,接收,验收(交货,供应)的英文,接收,验收(交货,供应) meaning in English,接收,驗收(交貨,供應)怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音 ...

  4. 例句與用法. The dealer reduced the price for cash down . 這家商店對付現金的人減價 優惠 。. You get a coupon for every 3 gallons of petrol . 每買三加侖的汽油就可獲得一張 優惠 券。. It was the offer of a small house, on very easy terms . 這是向她提供一所條件 優惠 的小房子。. Professional ...

  5. 這使書籍的價格昂貴而且稀少。He rented no expensive premises . 他不租用租金昂貴的事務所。Why , they set stiff prices on the bikes . 嗨,他們把腳踏車定了這般昂貴的價錢。Why , they set stiff prices on the bikes . 嗨,他們把自行車定了這般昂貴的價錢

  6. 例句與用法. There is no relation between wax content and geographical origin . 蠟質含量與 產地 無多大關系。. In togo, the farm price for coffee was a third of the border price . 在多哥,咖啡的 產地 價格是邊境價格的三分之一。. Southern texas and florida are important producers of citrus fruits ...

  7. Ⅰ形容詞. 1. (過去的; 過時的) past; bygone; old. 短語和例子. 2. (因經過長時間或經過使用而變色或變形的) used; worn; old. 短語和例子. 3. (曾經有過的; 以前的) former; onetime. 短語和例子. Ⅱ名詞. 1. (老交情; 老朋友) old friendship; old friend. 短語和例子. 2. (姓氏) a surname. 短語和例子. "舊、舊的" 英文翻譯 : staro; staryy. "初, 原始, 舊, 原" 英文翻譯 : arch- "舊 (歐洲)大陸" 英文翻譯 : the old continent. "老, 古, 舊" 英文翻譯 : paleo-