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  1. 兒童英文補習班 相關

  2. 不用挑補習班、不用接送,還可跳脫團課尷尬環境!真人外師一對一互動,讓孩子在家安心學、自信說. 外師超強引導力,輕鬆激孩子學英文興趣!多元主題+沈浸式互動,讓孩子不知不覺愛上學英文

  3. 選擇EF輕鬆掌握英語技能,開啟全新世界。 高效學習英文EF為你提供專業支持。開啟英語之旅,體驗無限可能。

  4. Everything you need to teach kids English all in one place! Visit today. Get thousands of teacher-crafted activities that sync up with the school year.

    It’s an amazing resource for teachers & homeschoolers - Teaching Mama

  5. The creators of ABCmouse designed an immersive learning experience for kids ages 8–13. Is your child overwhelmed from online learning? Take a brain-break and make learning fun!

  6. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    Speak a new language confidently with the help of Emma. Start learning today. TalkPal is the fastest and most efficient way to learn English. Start chatting today.


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