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  1. Today, with an investment of $300,000, you can develop smart phones under your own brand – simply follow these steps: Bring your design to Shenzhen; find a factory to produce it; sign an order for 10,000 sets of phones at a price of $30 per set.

  2. 2014年7月18日 · Overview. The word "foike" (fɔɪke) means the cinnamon tree in Mapugundun. It's a sacred tree for the Mapuche (people of the Earth). It's a symbol of concordia and peace. It also plays a more social role in conviviality, access to knowledge, and spiritual connection. Transdisciplinary collective | hacklab. To understand the present world.

  3. 2012年4月4日 · Isaac Wilder. Isaac Wilder (imw) is the co-founder and Executive Director of the Free Network Foundation. He studied Computer Science and Philosophy at Grinnell college until 2011, when he left Grinnell to pursue free network advocacy full-time. He is currently based in Kansas City, MO.

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    1. " The Fourth Turning is a book about human social cycles in America written by two respected generational historians, Howe and Strauss. They make a very convincing case for a disaster and era of economic depression and crisis, possibly total war, in the coming years. Like the Kondratieff wave, based on price behaviour over time, they are essenti...

    Neil Howe: "We think that generations move history along and prevent society from suffering too long under the excesses of any particular generation. People often assume that every new generation will be a linear extension of the last one. You know, that after Generation X comes Generation Y. They might further expect Generation Y to be like Gen X ...

    The Generational Turnings

    Neil Howe: "A turning is an era with a characteristic social mood, a new twist on how people feel about themselves and their nation. It results from the aging of the generational constellation. A society enters a turning once every twenty years or so, when all living generations begin to enter their next phases of life. Like archetypes and constellations, turnings come four to a saeculum, and always in the same order: 1. The First Turning is a High —an upbeat era of strengthening institutions...

    The Current Saeculum

    "Each turning comes with its own identifiable mood. Always, these mood shifts catch people by surprise. In the current saeculum, the First Turning was the American High of the Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy presidencies. As World War II wound down, no one predicted that America would soon become so confident and institutionally muscular, yet so conformist and spiritually complacent. But that?s what happened. The Second Turning was the Consciousness Revolution, stretching from the campus revo...

    The Archetypes

    John Mauldin: "The core idea behind the Fourth Turning (and the other three turnings that precede it) is a repeating pattern of four society-driving, generational “archetypes.” Howe and Strauss observed how societies change in a cycle as each generation assumes cultural dominance in its middle age years. The interplay between the dominant generation, the fading one that preceded it, and the upcoming younger generation follows an almost musical rhythm. At the same time, each generation isn’t j...

  4. Kything is the name they use for one of the more basic communion skills. They define the verb “kythe” (rhymes with “tithe”) as “to present your soul to another” or to “show your true Self to another.” The term kything was first used by Madeleine L’Engle to describe a spiritual technique in her novel A Wind in the Door (1973)."

  5. Five principles are below. A DTP: 1) orients us to our largest context, a vast evolving Universe; 2) connects us to our matrix, the Earth; 3) transforms us into our larger identities; 4) guides our actions for creating the future; and. 5) it serves as a learning continuum throughout life.

  6. Jan Krikke: "In the early 1960s, Lawrence Taub dropped out of Harvard Law School to go “on the road.”. He lived in Scandanavia and France before making his way to India. In Bihar State, he attended a lecture at Sarkar’s Ananda Marga Center, where he first heard about the orthodox version of the Varna prophecy.