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  1. 國營事業招考2024 相關

  2. 退休潮湧現國營事業招考徵才一波波,工作機會多更多,考試科目少且多為選擇題,就近分發離家近。 輕鬆準備4科,年終30萬不是夢,國營鐵飯碗,好工作不間斷。

  3. 經濟部所屬台電、中油、台水、台糖國營事業聯合招考薪最高42K,考試沒有年齡上限. 國營事業招考826名,考試日期10/13,預估進用後第5年月薪上看6.2萬,考試科目及名額詳情


  1. 2024年4月16日 · San Pisith is a Buddhist Monk and an Early Stage Researcher at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance. He has joined the Cosmolocalism project since September 2019 to pursue a Ph.D. at TalTech, Estonia. His Ph.D. thesis focuses on Buddhist Economics, Buddhist Governance, Commons, and Happiness and Public Purpose.

  2. "The Commons Economy Roadmap (CER) is a knowledge base and promotion protocol to highlight and empower what we consider to be among the most relevant 20 projects in the current economic juncture: companies and ecosystems that are building open infrastructures to regenerate society, to support the struggle of citizens, farmers, activists, scienti...

  3. Description. "Samantha Power is the founder of Finance for Gaia and Stuart Cowan is the Executive Director of Buckminster Fuller Institute. In conversation with Matthew Monahan." Categories: Peerfunding. Bioregional. Crypto Economy. Regenerative Approaches.

    • Introduction
    • Key Concepts
    • Status of City-Based Commons Transitions
    • P2P Foundation Reports
    • Key Quotes
    • Key Resources
    • Topics

    Christian Iaione and Sheila Foster: "We have distilled five key design principles for the urban commons: 1. Principle 1: Collective governance refers to the presence of a multi-stakeholder governance scheme whereby the community emerges as an actor and partners up with at least three different urban actors 1. Principle 2: Enabling State expresses the role of the State in facilitating the creation of urban commons and supporting collective action arrangements for the management and sustainabil...

    The Global Urban Commons Stack, a proposal for leagues of cities, associated with cooperatives, ethical finances and other actors of generative business practice, to create global open design depos...

    A for Amsterdam and Antwerp

    1. Amsterdam Is Pivoting to Doughnut Economics as Policy Framework; and it has signed the Maak Accord 020 - Amsterdam with contributory citizens, promising to set aside up to 10% of the city budget for territorial change. Amsterdam is working with De Meent and Commons Network on a commons transition for the city. See f.e. Amsterdam 2018 Coalition Accord and its Commons-Centric Elements; The crafting of the Commons Transition Plan for Amsterdamis ongoing; 1. Antwerp, Belgium has a very dynamic...

    B for Barcelona and Bologna

    1. Barcelona has crafted several policy plans with a distinct attention to the concept of the Commons: see Barcelona City Council Open Digitisation Plan ; Barcelona City Data Commons. "The “communitarian management framework” called “Patrimoni Ciutadà”. According to the Spanish and the Catalan legal system, “communitarian management” is a quite innovative formula enabling citizens and neighbors to manage, control, arrange, run, and decide which kind of activities and which kind of management...

    G for Ghent and Grenoble

    1. The Commons Transition Plan for the City of Ghent was crafted in 2017 . See for the official dutch version: . Unfortunately, a new coalition has not advanced on the issue since the last electoral cycle; prospects are dim. For context, see our P2P Foundation Report: Changing Societies through Urban Commons Transitions. By Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Niaros. P2P Foundation and Heinrich Boll Foundation, 2017 This is a more reflexive document on the experience in Ghent, with chapter 3 focusing...

    * Report/Book: Changing Societies through Urban Commons Transitions. By Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Niaros. P2P Foundation and Heinrich Boll Foundation, 2017 : This is a reflexive document on the experience in Ghent, with chapter 3 focusing on Ghent itself. 1. English translation of the original Commons Transition Plan for the City of Ghent can be d...

    We need to couple private sufficiency and public luxury

    "The new approach could start with the idea of private sufficiency and public luxury. There is not enough physical or environmental space for everyone to enjoy private luxury: if everyone in London acquired a tennis court, a swimming pool, a garden and a private art collection, the city would cover England. Private luxury shuts down space, creating deprivation. But magnificent public amenities – wonderful parks and playgrounds, public sports centres and swimming pools, galleries, allotments a...

    Key Articles

    1. Urban alternatives, to what degree? Parallelisms between Commons and Municipalism. By Iolanda Bianchi. [forthcoming in “Spatial Justice and the Commons”, Center for Spatial Justice: Istanbul], 2019 . See: Parallelisms between Commons and Municipalism for Urban Alternatives

    Key Books

    1. Plunder of the Commons: A Manifesto for Sharing Public Wealth. By Guy Standing. Penguin / Pelican Books, 2019 1. Our Commons: Political Ideas for a New Europe. Ed. by Sophie Bloemen and Thomas de Groot. Commons Network, 2019 . See: Commons-Based Political Ideas for a New Europe

    Key Policy Proposals

    1. Politics for the Commons - France: "Politiques des Commun: Cahier de propositions en contexte municipal": an overview of commons-oriented policies for the municipal level, as a preparation tool for citizen lobbying for the 2020 municipal elections in France. 1. Charter of the Commons 2. Permanent Commons Fund 3. Inclusive Value Ledger, proposed by NY Assemblyman Ron Kim is the first contribution-based public accounting scheme I have heard of; therefore a paramount and pivotal commons-based...


    1. Commons-Based Renewable Energy in the Age of Climate Collapse. By David Hammerstein. 2. Energy Commons as the Missing Link Between Energy Transition and Climate Justice 3. Collaboration between Local Authorities and Renewable Energy Cooperatives

    Food and Agriculture

    1. Moving to a European Common Food Policy instead of a Common Agricultural Policy 2. Food Commons 2.0 3. Food Commons in Europe 4. Food Policy Councils 5. Homegrown Minneapolis Commons-Based Food Policy Blueprint 6. Territories of Commons in Europe, see the Policy Paper: “Territories of Commons” in Europe: pivotal for food production, nature stewardship, heritage maintenance and climate mitigation. By Jose Luis Vivero Pol et al. Conference Paper for the European Commons Assembly, in Brussels...


    1. Commons Law for Housing. By Saki Bailey 2. Naples Council Resolution of 2016 on Occupied Buildings as Common Goods 3. Naples' Government Resolution no. 446 - 2016 on the Identification of Urban Spaces as Commons 4. Shared Spaces as Urban Commons in Amsterdam and Berlin

  4. More information we have a whole wiki section about the topic, see see our P2P Foundation report ...

  5. 2. Autopoiesis and Sympoiesis: "Autopoietic (self-producing) systems are autonomous units with self-defined boundaries that tend to be centrally controlled, homeostatic, and predictable. Sympoietic (collectively-producing) systems do not have self-defined spatial or temporal boundaries. Information and control are distributed among components.

  6. The Commons and Peer to Peer (P2P) together form a system based on the practices and needs of civil society and the environment it inhabits, evolving away from obsolete, centrally planned systems or the competitive dictates of market economies. But what are the Commons and P2P, and how do they interrelate? This Primer explores these concepts.

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