Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Facebook offers us a social utility to deepen social connectivity with our existing social graphs, while these new interest-based social networks enable users to express their interests in new, engaging ways and offer authentic, high value connectivity with new people we don’t already know.

  2. While these collective intelligences are both global and virtual, their ability to connect with, motivate and apply the attention and energy of their communities is either very narrow (you can contribute to the Instagram SOCI by uploading photos, liking and

  3. Sexes and races are held to be “social constructs” that society has made and can remake. Hence woke ideology is to some extent a culmination of the centuries-old leftist project of breaking down “arbitrary” social barriers in the name of equality. (First it was nobility; then class; now it’s gender and race.)

  4. Avatar is a distributed “operating system for the internet” running inside the web browser. It allows for secure messaging (think email, social networks) and distributed data storage, employing a policy of “privacy and data security by default”. Building its own encrypted P2P network, it does not rely upon any central authority. Language: Platform:

  5. "Source Temple is a place that you can find inside your imagination. It's located in Cunha, the countryside of São Paulo. We are approximately 40 people, from different countries, ages and cultures, working on ourselves to bring about a meeting point that is universal.

  6. In pursuit of economic growth, modern human culture appears as a self-organized, mindless, energy seeking Superorganism, functioning in similar ways to a brainless amoeba using simple tropisms. But why? How? In nature, an individual starling follows three simple rules (Reynolds, 1987): 1) Do what your neighbor does. 2) Don’t get too close.

  7. Nathan Cravens - P2P Foundation. @nwcrav DM me || Founder Open Manufacturing Discussion || Nathan's Music at Soundcloud. Self-released album: Salvation or Here. || Occupy Librarian (London) 2011-12 || For my philosophy of operations see The Holistic Problem of Manufacturing.