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  1. 快速降低膽固醇的方法 相關

  2. 通過國家檢驗,不含橘黴素,添加L-精胺酸、專利Q10、葉酸與維生素C,經醫學期刊發表之黃金配方。 專業藥師指出:紅麴應選擇高活性開環型,且紅麴菌素K含量高於4.8mg以上,才具促進體內循環效果。

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  1. 2023年11月27日 · 11 Tips to Cut Your Cholesterol Fast. Medically Reviewed by Melinda Ratini, MS, DO on November 27, 2023. Written by Karyn Repinski. Ban Trans Fats. Scale Back. Get Moving. Fill Up on Fiber. 4 min...

  2. 2023年8月29日 · Focus on Fiber. 6 /16. Swap out foods made with refined white flour, and bring on the whole grains. You'll eat more fiber, which helps lower your triglycerides.

  3. 2024年3月22日 · What Are Triglycerides? You’ve probably heard of cholesterol. You might even know if your levels are too high. But what do you know about your triglycerides? More than a third of adults in the...

  4. 2022年8月12日 · 1 /14. It’s no secret that certain foods can help you lower your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, which causes a buildup of plaque in the arteries that leads to heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke....

  5. 2022年3月16日 · 5 Ways to Raise Your HDL Cholesterol. Some diet and lifestyle changes help boost HDL cholesterol levels: Get active. Physical activity can boost your HDL level. Get at least 30 minutes a day of...

  6. 2024年3月4日 · 10 min read. You call it high cholesterol. Your doctor calls it hyperlipidemia, or dyslipidemia. No matter what name you use, it's a common problem. The term covers several disorders that result in...

  7. 2022年11月18日 · 1 /12. Some vegetables are better than others when you're watching your triglycerides. Limit how much you eat of those that are starchy, like corn and peas. That way, your body won't turn the extra...