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  1. 日本地震捐款排名 相關

  2. 捐款支持無國界醫生(MSF),每天不超過20元,每月定期捐款無國界醫生,拯救更多生命. 捐款幫助面臨營養不良/流離失所/戰爭衝突/天災/HIV/伊波拉/結核病/麻疹/霍亂等急需醫療救助人群

  3. 一份捐款,可幫助200+貓狗園區和3萬+毛孩,提供更多的醫療與身心照護,幫助牠們尋找下一個家. 全力提供最好的安置計畫,您的愛心給了浪浪們新的機會,我們捐款也捐糧,讓浪毛孩有更美好的明天


  1. 2011年6月13日 · 2. From the Wikipedia: "Fureai kippu (Caring Relationship Tickets) is a Japanese community currency created in 1995 by the Sawayaka Welfare Foundation so that people could earn credits helping seniors in their community. The basic unit of account is an hour of service to an elderly person. Sometimes seniors help each other and earn the credits ...

  2. 2021年7月19日 · From the Wikipedia: "Teikei (提携) is a system of community-supported agriculture in Japan, where consumers purchase food directly from farmers. Teikei is closely associated with small-scale, local, organic farming, and volunteer-based, non-profit partnerships between producers and consumers. Millions of Japanese consumers participate in teikei.