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  1. This notion denotes the apparently free activity that users perform on digital platforms, producing, often unknowingly, data without any monetary remuneration. It is therefore particularly useful in signaling the progressive loss of a clear distinction between working time and leisure time.

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    1. Michel Bauwens Why I endorse this approach, i.e. Multicapitalism is a vital ingredient of Post-Capitalism: The multi-capitalist approach, which must not be mis-understood as 'pricing nature': "It is true that multicapitalism is still beholden to the human vs nature dichotomy, BUT, I would argue that this will always remain a operative distinctio...

    Excerpted from the Executive Summary, by Bill Baue: "The paradigm shift from Monocapitalism to Multicapitalism is necessary, inevitable, and already well underway. This White Paper lays out the fatal flaws of the existing Monocapitalism paradigm, then outlines the historical, conceptual, and practical foundations of Multicapitalism in order to unde...

    Source: The Big Sustainability Illusion "to-do-list that data & information needs to contribute to:"

    OnCommons gGmbh/ r3.0 Alexanderstrasse 7, 10178 Berlin, Germany
  2. "The Strauss–Howe generational theory, also known as the Fourth Turning theory or simply the Fourth Turning, which was created by authors William Strauss and Neil Howe, describes a theorized recurring generation cycle in American history. According to the theory, historical events are associated with recurring generational personas (archetypes).

  3. Hypermodernism ( Transhumanism) • Inspirations: Technology, science, retooled Gnosticism • Production biases: Favors the incorporation of big tech in the creation and distribution of almost everything, the extraction of value from pooled user data, and the expropriation of residual value from millions of transactions.

  4. The spokes council model allows for mediation between autonomous working/affinity groups, or nodes within the network, and the larger institutional body. This model is seen at work both at the local IMC collective and the global network*/the latter based on the notion that sustainability for large networks like Indymedia depends on this less ...

  5. On the basis of such observations, Christopher Boehm proposed the theory that hunter-gatherers maintained equality through a practice that he labeled reverse dominance. In a standard dominance hierarchy--as can be seen in all of our ape relatives (yes, even in bonobos)--a few individuals dominate the many.

  6. If you are a blockchain advocate, then d/acc is a more modern and broader narrative to embrace than the fifteen-year-old emphasis on hyperinflation and banks, which puts blockchains into context as one of many tools in a concrete strategy to build toward a brighter future.

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  2. 過去一個月已有 超過 100 萬 位使用者造訪過

    割引料金で数あるホテルを選択。. ネットで即時予約、安心の現地払い...