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  1. Contents. 1 Discussion. 1.1 Pitirim Sorokin on the Four Techniques to Stimulate Authentic Love in Society. 1.1.1 Altruization Through Fine Arts and Beauty. 1.1.2 Altruization Through Individual Creative Activity. 1.1.3 Altruization Through Private and Public Prayer. 1.1.4 Altruization Through Contemplation and Meditation.

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    here's the background to the theory, reprinted from For Alan Page Fiske, see (relational models), "According to Fiske, there are four basic types of inter-subjective dynamics, valid across time...

    Interpretation by Michel Bauwens

    Every type of society or civilization is a mixture of these four modes, but it can plausibly be argued that one mode is always dominant and imprints the other subservient modes. Historically, the first dominant mode was kinship or lineage based reciprocity, the so-called tribal gift economies. The key relational aspect was 'belonging'. Gifts created obligations and relations beyond the next of kin, creating a wider field of exchange. Agricultural or feudal-type societies were dominated by aut...

    Interpretation by David Ronfeldt

    "my take on fiske is different from your own. you equate the tribal form with equality-matching, but i equate it to his communal-sharing form. you think his communal-sharing form matches p2p nicely. in my view, none of his forms match the network form the way i'd like. here's what i say there: - "One psychologist (Fiske, 1993) posits that all social relationships reduce to four forms of interaction: communal sharing, authority ranking, equality matching, and market pricing. People develop the...

    Clarification by Alan Fiske

    " Although I’m not an expert on economic anthropology, I think it’s clear that it’s crucial to distinguish between two types of ‘tribal’ societies: First there are subsistence hunting and gathering societies, which have little or no stored surplus. Although it’s a big generalization, the dominant principle for production and exchange in these foraging communities is usually CS; they are often strongly anti-AR. Second, there are a few hunting and gathering societies with stored surpluses and t...

    Fiske, A. P., & Haslam, N. 2005. The four basic social bonds: Structures for coordinating interaction. In Mark Baldwin, Ed., Interpersonal Cognition, 267–298. New York: Guilford.
  2. FairBnB is a movement that seeks to encourage vacation rentals that comply with the principles of a fair, non-extractive and collaborative economy. Some of the key questions are: How could these activities be managed to be beneficial to local initiatives and be kept from extracting values only for investors and speculators?

  3. Following here is a list of pages on this wiki directly related to personal writings and work about peer to peer and commons topics. See also the bibliography page here: Michel Bauwens' English Language Bibliography ; Some articles translated into spanish: [1] Evaluation: Prophets and Advocates of Peer Production. By George Dafermos.

  4. On the basis of such observations, Christopher Boehm proposed the theory that hunter-gatherers maintained equality through a practice that he labeled reverse dominance. In a standard dominance hierarchy--as can be seen in all of our ape relatives (yes, even in bonobos)--a few individuals dominate the many.

  5. Description. Sharon Ede: "After extensive data gathering, Graves’s research resulted in a theory he called the ‘Emergent Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory’ (or ECLET), that humans evolve not just physically but also socially and psychologically, which he summarised as follows:

  6. Description. "Part 1 of the in depth interview with Daniel E. Saros on "Digital Socialism and the Abolition of Capital". While many are unsatisfied with capitalism and critique it in highly sophisticated ways, there are few concrete proposals for a socialist mode of production that could replace the capitalist one.