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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典

    ph. 片語

    • 1. 一次付款額
    • 2. 總金額

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  2. noun [ C usually singular ] uk / ˌlʌmp ˈsʌm / us / ˌlʌmp ˈsʌm / Add to word list. an amount of money that is paid in one large amount on one occasion. 一次性支付的金額,一整筆款項. Her divorce settlement included a lump sum of $2 million. 她的離婚協議包括一次性補償200萬美元。 (lump sum在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) lump sum的 例句.

  3. noun [ C usually singular ] uk / ˌlʌmp ˈsʌm / us / ˌlʌmp ˈsʌm / Add to word list. an amount of money that is paid in one large amount on one occasion. 一次性支付的金额,一整笔款项. Her divorce settlement included a lump sum of $2 million. 她的离婚协议包括一次性补偿200万美元。 (lump sum在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press) lump sum的 例句.

  4. lump sum 在英語中的意思. noun [ C usually singular ] uk / ˌlʌmp ˈsʌm / us / ˌlʌmp ˈsʌm / Add to word list. an amount of money that is paid in one large amount on one occasion: Her divorce settlement included a lump sum of $2 million. 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和片語. Amounts of money. balance. bank. bounty. buck. capital. circumstance. coin. fisc. float. holdback.

  5. lump sum中文的意思、翻譯及用法:總額;匯總。英漢詞典提供【lump sum】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  6. n. 一次付清总额; 总额; 汇总. 词态变化. 复数: lump sums; 实用场景例句. 全部. 总额. ...a tax-free lump sum of £50,000 at retirement age. 退休时一次总付、不用缴税的5万英镑. 柯林斯高阶英语词典. Do you want to pay a lump sum or pay by installments? 您是一次性付款还是分期付款. 期刊摘选. The minimum amount of lump sum contribution is HK $ 5, 000. 整笔供款的最低供款金额为5, 000港元. 期刊摘选.

  7. A lump sum is an amount of money that is paid as a large amount on a single occasion rather than as smaller amounts on several separate occasions. They were given a tax-free lump sum at retirement age.

  8. lump sum n. (money: one-off payment) SC. Simplified Chinese. 一次性付款额 yí cì xìng fù kuǎn é. You can get your lottery winnings as a lump sum or in annual payments. She paid off her debts in one lump sum. 你可以选择一次性获得全部奖额,也可以选择分年领取。. 她将债务一次性全额付清。.

  9. 名詞. 一次性支付的款項, 一整筆款項. "lump sum" 例句. She received a lump sum bonus at the end of the project. 她在項目結束時收到了一筆一次性獎金。. After winning the lottery, she decided to receive her winnings as a lump sum. The lottery winner is set to receive a lump sum of 50 million dollars. 樂透得主 ...

  10. n. 总数; 包干费. 释义. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供lumpsum的中文意思,lumpsum的用法讲解,lumpsum的读音,lumpsum的同义词,lumpsum的反义词,lumpsum的例句等英语服务。

  11. 《简明英汉词典》 You pay regular premiums and in return the insurance company will pay out a lump sum. 你定期支付保险费,而保险公司则会一次性给你一笔钱作为回报。 柯林斯例句. A pension is often commutable into a lump sum. 养老金常可改为一次性总付款. 辞典例句. Do you want to pay a lump sum or pay by installments? 您是一次性付款还是分期付款. 互联网. The minimum amount of lump sum contribution is HK $ 5, 000.