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  1. switch中文意思::轉變…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋switch的中文翻譯,switch的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。the act of changing one thing or position for another; "his switch on abortion cost him the election" 同義詞:switching, shift, a basketball maneuver ...

  2. 動物森友會韓文翻譯:모여봐요 동물의 숲…,点击查查权威韓語詞典详细解釋集合啦!動物森友會 韓文怎麽說,怎麽用韓語翻譯集合啦!動物森友會,集合啦!動物森友會的韓語例句用法和解釋 简体版 English Indonesia Francais 한국어 ไทย Việt ...

  3. 英文翻譯 手機版. know [learn] how to read. 短語和例子. "認字板" 英文翻譯 : spelling board. "承認字符" 英文翻譯 : acknowledge character. "反確認字符" 英文翻譯 : nac negative acknowledge character. "否認字符" 英文翻譯 : negative acknowledge character. "否認字元" 英文翻譯 : regative acknowledge ...

  4. 1. (配合成雙) pair; make a pair. 短語和例子. 2. [口語] (動物交配) mate; association; pairing. 短語和例子. 3. [統計學] matched pairs. 4. [化學] pairing (valent bond) 4. [數學] matching. "dna配對" 英文翻譯 : dna pairing. "波配對" 英文翻譯 : d-wave pairing. "單配對" 英文翻譯 : single pair. "結交,配對" 英文翻譯 : consort. "配對, 成對" 英文翻譯 : pairing. "配對t檢驗" 英文翻譯 : paired t-test.

  5. 短語和例子. "彼此,互相" 英文翻譯 : one another. "互相;相互" 英文翻譯 : each other. "互相的" 英文翻譯 : commutative; mutual. "互相地" 英文翻譯 : one another. "互相告" 英文翻譯 : litigation. "互相關" 英文翻譯 : cc cross correlation; mutual correlation; mutual dependency; mutuality; simple ...

  6. 社團法人日本電氣測量器工業 Japan machine tool builders association 社團法人日本工作母機工業 更多例句: 1 2 3 用"社團法人"造句 相關詞匯 "社團章程"英文, "社團電臺"英文, "服務性社團"英文, "社團主義"英文 ...

  7. The ground was covered with cocoanut trees and papayers . 地上長滿了椰子樹和木瓜樹。 Even the coconut trees seemed swollen and expectant . 連椰子樹都似乎憋得頭昏腦脹,巴望能舒上一口氣。 He was looking across the lagoon to where the nuhiva's sails