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  1. 這部影片是彭博快訊關於假影片的報導. Deep fakes, or realistic-looking fake videos and audio, gained popularity as a means of. 人工智能換臉,或逼真的假影片和聲音越來越受歡迎,因為它可以將. adding famous actresses into porn scenes. 女明星加入色情片場景中. Despite bans on major websites, they remain easy to make and find. 儘管在大型網站上被禁止,還是很容易製作或發現假影片.

  2. 那首先我會先請小瑞出來示範,在他示範的時候. you can try to figure out what's wrong and how it can be fixed. 大家可以趁機想一想,這句話錯在哪裡、該怎麼樣改. After the demonstration, 那在示範之後. I'll explain why the sentence is wrong and how to correct it. 我就會出來跟大家解釋這一句話為什麼錯,以及該怎麼修正! Ready? Let's go!

  3. Hah! Where's my marker gone? It's disappeared. Written in the smaller. 這個字就是n的大寫。 我的麥克筆呢? 他不見了。 sense, it is like this "n." 而小寫,則是這樣寫的。 So, a lot of people have difficulty pronouncing the letter "N". This lesson is for Rick. Rick,

  4. 如果他們弄錯了並封鎖了一個真實的使用者,那事情會看起來像不合理的偏見。. That meant that for years, the best you could do to fight robocalls was installing a third-party app on your phone. 這意味著多年來,對抗自動語音電話的最好辦法就是在手機上安裝第三方應用程式。. As long as ...

  5. 研究員用心跳偵測測驗來測量 18 位男性交易員感受自己生理狀態的微小變化的能力, how well they could count their own resting heart rate without using a pulse point . 測驗他們在不按壓脈搏點的情況下計算靜止心率的能力。

  6. 以下是一些科學小撇步來幫助你克服考試焦慮。. Exam anxiety is epidemic among students worldwide. 考試焦慮對於全世界的學生來說是普遍的問題。. One study found that out of 1300 people questioned, 96% say that they've experienced exam anxiety at some point in their lives. 有一個研究發現,在 1300 名 ...

  7. n. 一堆;一疊;煙囪;排氣管. v. 對...作弊;堆積:堆疊. B1 中級 多益 英檢高級. 更多. constantly. US /ˈkɑnstəntlɪ/ ・ UK /ˈkɒnstəntli/ adv. 不斷地. B1 中級.