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  1. Five principles are below. A DTP: 1) orients us to our largest context, a vast evolving Universe; 2) connects us to our matrix, the Earth; 3) transforms us into our larger identities; 4) guides our actions for creating the future; and. 5) it serves as a learning continuum throughout life.

  2. 2024年4月1日 · Examples of integral theory: Steiner’s integrative spiritual-science, Gebser’s integral-aperspectival cultural phenomenology, and. Wilber’s integral-AQAL theoretic framework. Roy Bhaskar's Critical Realism. There has been intensive dialogue between Wilber's Integral Theory tradition and Bhaskar's Critical Realism.

  3. Description. "How Stuff Is Made (HSIM) is a visual encyclopedia that documents the manufacturing processes, labor conditions and environmental impacts involved in the production of contemporary products. It is a free, independent, academic resource published by engineering and design students, who research and produce summative photoessays ...

  4. "Bytes for All (B4All) is a networked space for citizens in South Asia. It experiments, highlights and organizes debate on the relevance of ICT to development activities. South Asia - often considered as an ICT powerhouse, is also the home of highest number of poor people in the World.

  5. 2008年1月18日 · Chord is completely decentralized and symmetric, and can find data using only log (N) messages, where N is the number of nodes in the system. Chord's lookup mechanism is provably robust in the face of frequent node failures and re-joins. On top of Chord's routing layer, we have built the DHash block storage system.

  6. Boya - P2P Foundation. = climate change related currency used in Western Australia. Description. "A Boya is created by our schools and community groups whenever we work together to reduce greenhouse pollution in the atmosphere. Our programme is simple: 1.Our school or community decides to reduce climate pollution by a certain number of tonnes. 2.

  7. The author proposes the “ Three-Dimensional Printing Open License ” (the “TDPL”). The TDPL draws on the unique characteristics of three-dimensional printing to construct a license that incorporates enforceable documentation, attribution and copyleft provisions.

  8. "Morshed Mannan is a Max Weber postdoctoral fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute. His research focuses on blockchain governance, particularly within the ERC project ‘BlockchainGov’, and more broadly on cooperative governance.

  9. = a distributed system for sharing enormous datasets - for researchers, by researchers. The result is a scalable, secure, and fault-tolerant repository for data URL ...

  10. " The Fourth Turning is a book about human social cycles in America written by two respected generational historians, Howe and Strauss. They make a very convincing case for a disaster and era of economic depression and crisis, possibly total war, in the coming years.

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