Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. "Records of the Grand Historian, also known by its Chinese name Shiji, is a monumental history of China that is the first of China's 24 dynastic histories. The Records was written in the late 2nd century BC to early 1st century BC by the ancient Chinese historian Sima Qian, whose father Sima Tan had begun it several decades earlier.

  2. Euromayday has become the flagship of the precarity movement. The first event in Milan involved 5,000 people in a flying picket which shut down chainstores. Subsequent events have drawn up to 150,000 (Shukaitis, 2006).

  3. The ecology in ecological Marxism refers to movements and ideas about nature and how we (mainly in capitalist societies) relate to the rest of nature (see Haila and Levins 1992, ix).

  4. Recommendations To Defend Yourself Against Cancel Culture Attacks - P2P Foundation. Contents. 1 Discussion. 1.1 Find your friends. 1.2 Pick your battles. 1.3 Know what to expect. 1.4 Don’t back down. 1.5 Don’t let them make it about you. 1.6 Hold the moral high ground. 1.7 Mock them mercilessly. 1.8 Don’t let their narrative outrun yours.

  5. Netarchical capitalism is a hypothesis about the emergence of a new segment of the capitalist class (the owners of financial or other capital), which is no longer dependent on the ownership of intellectual property rights (hypothesis of cognitive capitalism), nor on the control of the media vectors (hypothesis of MacKenzie Wark in his book The H...

  6. Discussion John O'Neill: "I would say that the first book which comes to mind as relevant to your project is The Cosmotheandric Experience, which is a standalone book, as well as being included in Volume VIII of his Opera Omnia ( his 17 book All Works) , along with a book on The Trinity and World Religions. ...

  7. Description. 1. "Cooperative structures could enable the creation of open data and personal data stores for mutual benefit; they could rebalance what many perceive as asymmetric relationship between data subjects (people with personal data) and data users (people who use data to develop services and products)."