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  1. 2021年3月21日 · 如今所有人都可以轻松使用VPN免费取用相关应用程序。 在网络应用程序的下载排名中,VPN甚至名列前茅。 但用户在使用VPN时,经常忽略了其中的风险。 市面上存在大量VPN应用程序,供应商做出了各种安全承诺。 例如:在手机上安装相关App后,便能安全上网;个人数据不会被窃取;用户可以使用其他国家的流媒体服务,规避国家审查、开启被封锁的网站。 VPN如何运作?...

    • A Quick SOLUTION: Vpn
    • Providers Make Big Promises
    • How Do VPNs Work?
    • Can You Be Detected While Using VPN?
    • How Secure Is My Data in The VPN?
    • The Better SOLUTION: Tor — Privacy by Design
    • These Are The Traces We Leave Behind on The Net

    Whenever a regime censors the internet in a crisis, many users in their helplessness resort to the simplest solutions. These are often virtual private networks (VPNs). VPNs were developed to allow companies in different locations to connect their internal networks (intranets) via encrypted channels through the internet. But VPNs can also be used to...

    VPNs are now readily available to everyone. Corresponding programs are available free of charge. VPN apps even top some charts. But users usually don't think about the risks in this situation. VPN apps are plentiful, and the providers' promises are great. If you install their software on your cell phone, you can go online particularly securely, the...

    A VPN establishes an encrypted tunnel from your smartphone or computer to a remote VPN server. From this endpoint, you enter the public internet. When you surf the web, it looks to the operators of the websites you're visiting as if your computer was the VPN server. If, for example, you are using a computer or smartphone in Germany but your VPN ser...

    Basically, regimes that control internet traffic are able to detect when someone is using a VPN. However, they cannot detect what someone is doing with it, i.e. what data is flowing back and forth in the VPN tunnel. Some dictatorships have banned VPN use for this reason. Such regimes then block access to VPN servers abroad or, in rare cases, even p...

    Here lies the second weak point: All your data make a detour via the VPN provider. But do you really know the company and what it's about? Essentially, you will have to trust your provider to maintain data privacy. Because the provider operates the tunnel, the company can also see which websites you access, when and how often. The provider may also...

    It's better if no data is collected in the first place. If a VPN provider promises it won't do that, I have to trust him. But a system that does not collect any data in the first place is even more secure. This is what Tor can do. Tor builds a triple tunnel directly through the Tor Browser.With Tor, you actually don't talk about tunnels, but onion ...

    When computers communicate with each other on the internet, IP addresses are always exchanged. No IP address — no World Wide Web. However, the possibilities of identifying individuals based on their IP address are often overestimated, because IP addresses are rarely firmly tied to individuals. The situation is similar with cookies. The user can tur...

  2. 2021年2月22日 · 什么是虚假信息? 到底是谁在散布虚假信息? 我们看到疫情发生以来,西方社交媒体上充斥着大量的疫情阴谋论,美国有些官员、议员、媒体、机构在拿不出任何证据的情况下,炮制和散布了大量针对中国的虚假信息,无视基本事实,对中国进行‘ 有罪推定’式的抹黑和攻击。 说到推特账号数量,华春莹表示:“不知道他们有没有调查过有多少外国媒体和外交官使用微信、微博?...

  3. 中国国家航天局6月4日对外界表示,嫦娥六号探测器在月球背面艾特肯盆地阿波罗环形山结束采样工作后,已经于当天早晨重新起飞。 这也是人类航天史上首次从月球背面采样返回任务。 如果一切顺利,嫦娥六号将在6月底重返地球。 技术20 小时前.

  4. 2021年10月19日 · 中国政府近日向北京市开绿灯,允许该市向外资开放中国国内互联网虚拟专用网业务(VPN)、允许外商从事除了台湾外的境外游、鼓励外商投资成教 ...

  5. 但也有不少網民通過翻牆掛VPN進行提前體驗。 就在一些翻牆無路的玩家眼紅心急時,一款被稱做"Pokemon Go"山寨版的中國手遊"城市精靈GO"登頂中國區 ...

  6. 2023年9月26日 · (德国之声中文网)9月24日一名居住在河北承德的程序员发帖表示,自己为境外公司工作,通过翻墙登陆Github以领取公司任务。 当地公安局认定他的行为是“擅自使用非法定信道进行国际联网”,对其处以行政处罚——罚款200元,没收“违法所得”105.8万元人民币。 此事件使得所谓“非法翻墙”再度成为热议焦点。 官方媒体《环球时报》前主编胡锡进25日发微博表示,这一处罚值得商榷。...

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