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  1. 我們也要找到減少使用冷氣的辦法,幾種替代方案是在一定溫度內優先使用電風扇,或是建築本身使用能提升涼感的建材。 Buildings with shiny white roofs that reflect heat or " green " roofs that reflect , insulate , and evaporate ; buildings with rooms that have windows on opposite sides so air can ...

  2. 首先也是最重要的是嬰兒或胎兒的位置,即一個人睡覺時側身蜷縮,膝蓋靠近腹部或胸部。 According to a survey done by a sleep specialist, Chris Idzikowski, this was found to be by far the most popular sleeping position with over 41% of people saying it was their preferred way of sleeping. 根據睡眠專家 Chris Idzikowski 所做的一項調查,這是迄今為止最受歡迎的睡眠姿勢,超過 41% 的人表示這是他們最喜歡的睡眠方式。

  3. 光是在飲食中增加 10% 蛋白質攝取,就可以維持更久的飽足。. Low fat dairy on the other hand contains calcium which binds to other fats you've eaten and creates a soup like substance which can't be absorbed. 另一方面,低脂乳製品含鈣,會和其他被攝取的脂肪結合,產生一種像湯一樣無法被 ...

  4. 你怎麼看待這件事? Well, what can I do with it? 我能怎麼辦呢? Tell you what, you can -- You can do some sexy. 我說你可以--你可以用你性感的聲音. talk down. That's what you can do. 和我們談話,這是你可以做的. Yeah, have you always had this sexy voice? 你一直以來都擁有這麼性感的聲音嗎? Since about the age of four, yeah. 是的,大概從我四歲起. I mean this poll was in the UK. 我的意思是,這個民意調查是在英國, It is a huge poll.

  5. 加設氣溫是零下 10 攝氏度,這時空氣中無法容納那麼多水分,溼度 75% 實際上就不會那麼潮溼。. But if it's 20 degrees, 75% humidity suddenly means there's a lot more water in the air to make things feel all muggy. 但如果是 20 度,溼度 75% 突然就意味著空氣中有很多水份,會讓人感到很 ...

  6. The more you give away, the colder you feel. 送的越多,感覺越冷。. This trading of heat can happen three different ways: by convection, conduction, and radiation. 這種熱量的交易可以通過三種不同的方式進行:對流、傳導和輻射。. All three are at play in an igloo. 三個人都在冰屋裡玩。. A person ...

  7. There are four main stages of your sleep cycle. 睡眠主要有四個階段。 The first two are relatively light sleep, while the third brings you into a deep slumber. 前兩個是淺眠階段,而第三階段將帶你進入深層睡眠。 The final stage, known as rapid eye movement, or REM for short, is where most of your dreams begin. 最後一階段則稱為快速動眼期(REM),大多數夢境都始於此階段。

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