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  1. 2022年2月16日 · An actual Chinese word that sounds identical with "Ching Chong", in Cantonese. © 1999-2024 Urban Dictionary ®

  2. 2022年1月6日 · Mashed potatoes. The act of sexual intercourse when both parties are heavily intoxicated and just end up mashing their genitals together. Dude, bro, I had Amber over last night after the bars but we were so wasted that we just wound up having mashed potatoes until we passed out. by Smashpotatoez January 6, 2022. Get the Mashed potatoes mug.

  3. 2015年10月17日 · An item of age, usually from around the 1920's to approx 20 years ago. The items could be anything from furniture, children's toys, to clothing and household bits and pieces.

  4. 2008年3月16日 · The summarized recreation of popular pop-culture films using limited budgets and a camcorder. The process is called sweding. Upon completion the film has been Sweded. Origins: In the Michel Gondry film BE KIND REWIND, the character Jerry accidentally erases ...

  5. 2015年4月18日 · An informal term that stands for or means something else than its literal meaning; a shorter way to say a word or phrase I'm going to the hippy tour to slang burittos and my art.I'm not waiting to get noticed by the artist elite when I can slangmy shit right here on phishlot. ...

  6. 2017年9月14日 · Used to express that something is relatable. Similar to 'Same,' but 'Mood' became more common around 2016. If something is especially relatable, one might say 'Big Mood.' This implies that your whole being is one and the same with whatever you are commenting

  7. 2004年10月16日 · Def. Military. : 1) a) a very lazy person b) one who deceptively hides their lack of work or effort a derogatory term used to express disgust with untrustworthy or shallow individuals. 1) one who is full of shit, a liar. 2) one who says or promises something but will then ...

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