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  1. 機械設備 相關

  2. 停車收費系統、柵欄機、人員通關機、車道管制、車輛偵測器、感應線圈、車輪檔、減速墊、防撞桿、. eTag系統等門禁多元完善設備,依場地量身規劃,專人代管服務,停車控管高效提升,立即洽詢!

  3. TEFLON專業噴塗服務,具備不黏著性、耐腐蝕性,延長機件壽命,提升工業品質&效率! 業界好評!PTFE、FEP等塗裝,耐腐蝕抗黏,滿足各式工業需求,效率嚴格控管,立即洽詢!


  1. For $512, every OpenPCR kit includes all the parts, tools, and beautiful printed instructions – you ONLY need a set of screwdrivers. A PCR machine is basically a copy machine for DNA. It is essential for most work with DNA, things like exposing fraud at a sushi restaurant, diagnosing diseases including HIV and H1N1, or exploring your own genome.

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