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  1. 去日本如何玩更Hi?快沿著新幹線來趟文化與城市風情之旅!HiTutor線上日文課程,採一對一教學,學習效果快又好;想學50音與日文會話?找HiTutor就對了!

  2. flick, flip riffle, leaf, riff peruse. wave - a movement up and down or back and forth. curl, wave twist. bump - knock against with force or violence. hit, strike. cheek - either side of the face below the eyes. talk, speak. polite - showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior.

  3. Hi家教 線上英文、日韓德法西義越泰文免付費電話:0809-090566 手機請撥:04-37042882 海外學生請撥:886-4-37042882(台灣時間,週一 至週五 09:00-23:00,週六至週日 09:00-21:00) 線上英文課程 商英課程 菲律賓遊學 全球海外遊學 打工渡假攻略 杜威美加留學 成為老師Teachers wanted

  4. 網羅留學、打工度假相關主題,情境式口語練習加強溝通表達能力。 掌握海外食、衣、住、行、育、樂等面向之生活英文,培養應變能力,拓展國際視野。

  5. It's a movable feast!!! Jonah : What's the animal for Chinese New Year this year ? Waldo : The rooster.It's the Year of the Rooster. Jonah : When is the actual date of New Year's day ? Waldo : It's on 9th February this year. Jonah : That's rather later than last year, isn't it ?That's rather later than last year, isn't it ?

  6. 其它服務 班級口語檢測服務 留學 雅思授權報名中心 官方報名系統 翻譯服務 文件翻譯 口譯服務 上課須知 學員公約 Skype使用指南 上課前環境準備 ...

  7. Challenge – (n.) something that by its nature or character serves as a call to battle, contest, special effort, etc. ex : I like the challenge of learning new things. Chore – (n.) the everyday work around a house or farm. ex : My husband and I share the