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  1. Excerpt. Dario Azzellini: "Wage labour as such cannot be organized as commoning praxis. ‘Labour’ is generally understood as wage labour, the form most labour is forced to assume in capitalism. In this argument I rely on the distinction between labour and labour power proposed by Marx.

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    A. Allen Butcher on one of the 3 production formats for the sharing of Time-Based Economics: "More complicated communal economies involve the setting of a “labor quota” or minimal required labor contribution for a person to maintain their membership in the group or community. Communities with labor quota time economies counting one hour of work as ...

    Communal Economics, A. Allen Butcher, P.O. Box 1666, Denver, CO 80201-1666 USA

    See also: Communal Distribution The other two production sharing formats are: 1. Fair-Share Labor System‎ 2. Anti-Quota Labor System‎

  2. Discussion Can Coops be considered as a form of associated labor GREIG DE PEUTER and NICK DYER-WITHEFORD: "Marx viewed the coop factories within a historical dialectic of social forms of labour: the cooperatives demonstrated to him “that, like slave ...

  3. 2023年11月16日 · Recent debate has raised several objections to the notion of Free Digital Labor. Our aim is to clarify the terms of the debate and to revive the relevance of the notion of Free Digital Labor through a historical and theoretical analysis of the transformations of the relationship between capital and labor."

  4. Description. by Intan Suwandi: "My analysis begins with a framework of global commodity chains that puts labor at the center of its formulation. The framework is called labor-value commodity chains, or labor-value chains for short.

  5. Excerpt. Transformations of biocapitalism and effects on the labour theory of value. "The advent of biocapitalism entails an adjustment of the process of valorization. From this perspective, the main points to emphasize are the following:

  6. 2016年6月14日 · Structurally, we distinguish hope labor from other forms of free labor by emphasizing the temporal relationship between present and future work—a relationship that shifts costs and risks onto the individual. Hope labor is naturalized and normalized through neoliberal ideologies.

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