Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 孩子用簡單又有趣的方法來學習時鐘和時間觀念。 這包含一個很富有想像力的的設計。用動畫旋轉的地球來輕鬆地教孩子們白天和黑夜的概念。 澳洲製造,全標準英文發音,讓兒童用最簡單的方法學習對他們最複雜的觀念

  2. √有趣和簡單的√3滑動件√12可愛的車輛√車輛聽起來 拼圖完成√難度調整,通過添加或刪除車輛√無廣告你的孩子會喜歡可愛的高品質的設計和12個有趣的車輛:飛機,救護車,自行車,公交車,汽車,消防隊員,直升機,摩托車,警察,船舶,火車和卡

  3. 破解寶寶學整理-好習慣系列,聖誕特別版App免付費下載位置,彙整app解說家庭片懶人包,全球支援iOS、Windows、Android系統的APP開箱快訊暢銷APP手遊排行榜Kid Tidy Room, developed by Bull Studio (Producer: Moy Shentu)色彩豐富、生動可愛益智遊戲

  4. Paw Puppy Patrol Preschool is a collection of 7 exciting educational games for your preschooler (ages 2 to 5). Available only on Google Play for the first time. Features: *7 different games that teach kids about colors, letters, counting, differences, and matching. *Lovable animated Paw Puppy Patrol helps kids along as they play the games.

  5. BabyTV mobile is packed with popular TV shows for babies and toddlers that will interest and entertain them, while helping them to explore the world around them. Shows are created by educational experts and focus on early learning concepts such as numbers, colors, shapes, problem solving and lots more!

  6. 透過許多預定和排程功能,給忙碌的女孩可愛又方便的支援! ♥ 不必為了挑選預定的配色傷腦筋♪ 預定的顏色都取好了對應的名字,可以不用在挑選顏色上傷腦筋,直接整理行程表唷

  7. 破解吸血鬼雙胞胎——怪物媽媽產檢日記&媽咪寶貝App免付費下載位置,彙整app解說角色扮演懶人包,全球支援iOS、Windows、Android系統的APP開箱快訊暢銷APP手遊排行榜吸血鬼雙胞胎是一款趣味十足的怪物媽媽做產檢小遊戲。小公主們好久不見~ 別離這麼久,有沒有想念【吸血鬼雙胞胎】我呢? ? 【吸血鬼 ...

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