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  1. 資料時間:2024/05/01

  2. › wiki › BYD_AutoBYD Auto - Wikipedia

    BYD Auto ( simplified Chinese: 比亚迪汽车; Pinyin: Bǐyàdí Qìchē) is a Cheenese automobile manufacturer based in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. The firm wis establisht in 2003, an it is a pairt o BYD Co Ltd, an innovative [8] [9] rechairgeable battery maker. Notes.

  3. › wiki › RenminbiRenminbi - Wikipedia

    The renminbi (RMB, sign: ¥; code: CNY; an aa CN¥, an CN) is the offeecial siller o the Fowkrepublic o Cheenae. Renminbi is legal tender in mainland Cheenae, but nae in Hong Kong, Taiwan, or Macau.

  4. › wiki › Toyota_IpsumToyota Ipsum - Wikipedia

    Toyota Ipsum. The Toyota Ipsum, Picnic, SportsVan or Avensis Verso is a seiven-seater multi-purpose vehicle produced bi the Japanese automaker Toyota . First generation. The first generation, named Ipsum in Japan an Picnic an SportsVan in export markets, wis biggit frae 1995–2001, wi export versions arrivin in 1996.

  5. › wiki › SejongSejong - Wikipedia

    Sejong Daewang 세종대왕 - 世宗大王 Ring 1418 – 1450 Coronation 18 September 1418 (aged 21) Predecessor Taejong Successor Munjong Regent Taejong (1418–1422) Born 15 Mey 1397 Hansung, Joseon Dee'd 8 Apryle 1450 (aged 52) Hansung, Joseon Issue

  6. Bi unit sales, the Mercedes-Benz Group is the thirteent-lairgest caur manufacturer an is the lairgest larrie manufacturer in the warld. It provides financial services throu Mercedes-Benz Mobility. The company is a component o the Euro Stoxx 50 stock mercat index. [5] The Mercedes-Benz Group complex in Stuttgart include central company ...

  7. › wiki › Mazda_VerisaMazda Verisa - Wikipedia

    1,530 mm (60.2 in) The Mazda Verisa is a subcompact caur based on the jointly-ingineered Mazda DE platform. It wis launched bi the Japanese automaker in 2004 an is ae available in Japan. [1] The Verisa can be considered aither a 'taw hatchback ' or a 'law mini MPV '. The relationship atween the Mazda Verisa an the mair popular Mazda Demio is ...

  8. › wiki › Botswana_pulaBotswana pula - Wikipedia

    Botswana pula. The pula is the currency o Botswana. It haes the ISO 4217 code BWP an is subdividit intae 100 thebe. Pula literally means "rain" in Setswana, acause rain is vera scarce in Botswana - hame tae muckle o the Kalahari Desert - an therefore valuable. Pula an aa means "blessing" as rain is considered a blessing.

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