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  1. 張永融醫生. 廖軒麟醫生. 莫蔚淇醫生. 羅光彥醫生. 黃德慶醫生. 葉錦洪醫生. 學良醫生. 許其發醫生. Pedder Health offers a vast array of surgical specialities including breast surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, colorectal surgery, endocrine surgery, gastro-esophageal surgery, hepatobiliary and pancreatic ...

  2. Pedder Health offers a vast array of surgical specialities including breast surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, colorectal surgery, endocrine surgery, gastro-esophageal surgery, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, spine surgery, neurosurgery, paediatric surgery, paediatric and adult urology, otorhinolaryngology, vascular surgery and plastic surgery.

  3. Pedder Health offers a vast array of surgical specialities including breast surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, colorectal surgery, endocrine surgery, gastro-esophageal surgery, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, spine surgery, neurosurgery, paediatric surgery, paediatric and adult urology, otorhinolaryngology, vascular surgery and plastic surgery.

  4. Pedder Health offers a vast array of surgical specialities including breast surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, colorectal surgery, endocrine surgery, gastro-esophageal surgery, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, spine surgery, neurosurgery, paediatric surgery, paediatric and adult urology, otorhinolaryngology, vascular surgery and plastic surgery.

  5. Pedder Health offers a vast array of surgical specialities including breast surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, colorectal surgery, endocrine surgery, gastro-esophageal surgery, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, spine surgery, neurosurgery, paediatric surgery, paediatric and adult urology, otorhinolaryngology, vascular surgery and plastic surgery.

  6. 香港大学外科名誉副教授.

  7. 患者个案分享. 60多岁的女患者,因患上急性胆囊炎而需要将胆囊切除,手术後3-4日感到腹部有饱饱滞滞的不适感,随即通知主诊医生,其後发现她的右横隔膜下出现积液,及後以介入治疗将积液引流出体外,两星期後,患者没有不适感,饱滞的感觉也消失。 微创胆囊切除术为非常普遍的外科手术,但由於手术已发展多年,加上手术时间丶住院时间皆短,所以不少接受此项手术的人士可能会忽略手术期间的难度及风险。 往院时间短虽为患者们带来方便,但对外科医生们的来说,这会增加术後即时跟进的困难。 一些术後的并发症,如胆管损伤,更可能出现不明显的病徵,如患者在术後不多加留意,未能及早接受适当的治疗,严重者甚至可导致其他器官衰竭及有生命危险。 胆囊的位置及功能.

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