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  1. 機械設備 相關

  2. TEFLON專業噴塗服務,具備不黏著性、耐腐蝕性,延長機件壽命,提升工業品質&效率! 業界好評!PTFE、FEP等塗裝,耐腐蝕抗黏,滿足各式工業需求,效率嚴格控管,立即洽詢!

  3. 螺旋葉片專業製造廠,提供無接點、帶狀、重負荷等規格,價格合理,服務完善! 專業生產帶狀、等距、無軸心等葉片,種類多元齊全,高規格高品質,值得信賴!

  4. 提供客製自動化整廠設計,及精密機械產品,有效縮短製程、節省成本,效能翻倍! 化工、食品、製藥、電子業界首選!高效率製程,減少人工成本,歡迎洽詢!


  1. A PCR machine is basically a copy machine for DNA. It is essential for most work with DNA, things like exposing fraud at a sushi restaurant, diagnosing diseases including HIV and H1N1, or exploring your own genome. The guy who discovered the PCR process earned a Nobel Prize in 1993, and OpenPCR is now the first open source PCR machine.

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