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Mac Gerdts, also known as Walther M. Gerdts, (born 1962 in Hamburg, Germany) is a game designer from Hamburg, Germany, who is known for designing the Series: Rondel (Mac Gerdts) series of board games such as Imperial, Antike, Hamburgum, and Navegador, as well as for the Game: Concordia series of games and expansions.
2023年7月4日 · 原文出處: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2734569/complete-strategy-g... 原作者:Clark/中文翻譯:Skypray Huang. 第1版:2022/4/5,最新版:2022/4/22. 註:因為遊戲目前尚無統一中文翻譯,使用Board Game Arena遊戲裡的中文翻譯,可能專有名詞上不甚精確或有些錯誤 (例如Aeroplane被譯為「滑翔翼」而不是「飛機」) 網頁瀏覽版本. https://skypray-huang.blogspot.com/2022/04/lost-ruins-of-arn...
Matthew Dunstan is an Australian board game designer, best known for Next Station London, Elysium, Monumental and the Adventure Games series. He was introduced to games very early on when an aunt decided to teach him chess on an old cardboard travelling set during a visit to the beach.
2024年5月12日 · 將24頁的規則書做出重點整理,並非用來取代官方規則書,而是適合當教學講義或是新手釐清觀念用。. https://skypray-huang.blogspot.com/2024/05/age-of-innovation... Geekdo, BoardGameGeek, the Geekdo logo, and the BoardGameGeek logo are trademarks of BoardGameGeek, LLC.
Influence, intrigue, and combat in the universe of Dune. Compete with rival CEOs to make Mars habitable and build your corporate empire. The Fellowship and the Free Peoples clash with Sauron over the fate of Middle-earth. Strike from your hidden base as the Rebels—or find and destroy it as the Empire.
Richard Channing Garfield (born June 26, 1963 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is a game designer and mathematics professor who is known for creating the very popular card game Magic: The Gathering. He also is the great-great-grandson of U.S. President James A. Garfield.