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  1. 關節骨質保健食品 相關

  2. 三得利日本原廠獨家配方「葡萄糖胺+維生素D+軟骨素」保養要趁早 ,四處趴趴走沒煩惱! ...

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    田原香,滴雞精經典品牌,滴滴香醇營養到位,年節送禮送到心坎裡 業界評價最高品牌! 每月16-20 滴雞精好康93折促銷,人氣款滴雞精限時優惠 只有五天! 送禮自用 滴雞精全搞定

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    葡萄糖胺為人體可自行合成的胺基酸單醣,有著潤滑、緩衝的作用,有助於維持人的行動力與靈活度。 為更高效率與更長久維持效果,日本原廠的高品質葡萄糖胺、法國MSM、日本專利鮭魚鼻軟骨精華

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    3倍鴕鳥精煉+美國專利MSM+維生素K2,中西複合配方,幫您鞏固下盤,不再走路卡卡,鈣厲害! 流失鈣質導致站不穩、行動卡關,【強健鴕鳥精】給您步步踏實,和鴕鳥一樣健步如飛。


  1. 1. a. : a joint or juncture between bones or cartilages in the skeleton of a vertebrate. b. : a movable joint between rigid parts of an animal. 2. a. : the action or manner of jointing or interrelating. the articulation of the limbs. b. : the state of being jointed or interrelated. 3. a. : the act of giving utterance or expression. b.

  2. 1. : the state of being assured: such as. a. : a being certain in the mind. the puritan's assurance of salvation. b. : confidence of mind or manner : easy freedom from self-doubt or uncertainty. spoke with assurance about his future plans. also : excessive self-confidence : brashness, presumption. c. : security. 2.

  3. 1. : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion. 2. : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings. hypocrite adjective. Examples of hypocrite in a Sentence.

  4. noun. hon· or ˈä-nər. Synonyms of honor. 1. a. : good name or public esteem : reputation. b. : a showing of usually merited respect : recognition. pay honor to our founder. 2. : privilege. had the honor of joining the captain for dinner. 3. : a person of superior standing now used especially as a title for a holder of high office.

  5. gall: [noun] something bitter to endure. bitterness of spirit : rancor.

  1. 關節骨質保健食品 相關

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