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  1. Some common synonyms of beautiful are comely, fair, handsome, lovely, and pretty. While all these words mean "exciting sensuous or aesthetic pleasure," beautiful applies to whatever excites the keenest of pleasure to the senses and stirs emotion through the senses. beautiful mountain scenery.

  2. 1. a. : something that completes or makes an addition. b. : dietary supplement. 2. : a part added to or issued as a continuation of a book or periodical to correct errors or make additions. 3. : an angle or arc that when added to a given angle or arc equals 180°. supplement. 2 of 2. verb. sup· ple· ment ˈsə-plə-ˌment.

  3. 1. : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion. 2. : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings. hypocrite adjective. Examples of hypocrite in a Sentence.

  4. noun. hon· or ˈä-nər. Synonyms of honor. 1. a. : good name or public esteem : reputation. b. : a showing of usually merited respect : recognition. pay honor to our founder. 2. : privilege. had the honor of joining the captain for dinner. 3. : a person of superior standing now used especially as a title for a holder of high office.

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