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  1. 2014年8月14日 · 如果醫生懷疑子宮內膜增生,執行全面性的體檢時,子宮內細胞的樣本將需要送到實驗室測試,這通常可在具有能力做子宮內膜切片的辦公室內完成。. 在實驗過程中軟管透過陰道插入到子宮內,利用吸力將子宮內膜小細胞樣本通過管子取出,此過程只需要幾 ...

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    • 特別用藥指示
    使用前將每包刻見清倒入 1000 c.c.冷開水攪拌至粉末完全溶解即成溶液。
    (使用前將二包刻見清倒入 2000 c.c.冷開水攪拌至粉末完全溶解即成溶液。)
    口服投予,原則上一包1000 c.c於 1 小時內喝完,約每 10 ~ 15 分鐘喝完250 c.c.,一般人約需喝 2 公升或直至排出液呈澄清狀。
    建議您要服用時才配製溶液(請先確定檢查的時間),溶液應冷藏並於 24小時內使用完畢。剩餘或不用的溶液需丟棄。
    服藥前 2 小時需空腹或以流體食物(包括茶、咖啡、蘇打水及清湯)為主;不可喝牛奶代替且禁吃固體食物。
    若有其他口服藥品需服用者,請於飲用刻見清溶液前至少1小時先服用。( 但降血糖藥請不要服用 )
    本品含阿斯巴甜( aspartame ),苯酮尿症病人不宜使用。
  2. The cumulative incidence of renal stone in the gallstone group was higher than in the non-gallstone group (P < 0.0001, in the log-rank test). CONCLUSION: This nationwide cohort study demonstrates that the risk of renal stones is significantly higher in gallstone ,

  3. The two cohorts were followed until December 31, 2011. The primary outcome of interest was new diagnosis of stroke. The crude hazard ratio (HR) for future stroke among dermatitis patients treated with systemic corticosteroid was 1.40 (95% CI, 1.34-1.45; P < 0.

  4. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between the use of zolpidem and risk of subsequent stroke in Taiwanese patients. METHOD: This case-control study used data obtained from the National Health Insurance Research Database to determine whether the use of zolpidem is associated with an increased risk of stroke.

  5. PURPOSE: To determine whether the diagnosis of otitis media (OM) in adults is associated with an increased risk for the subsequent development of nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) using a nationwide population-based retrospective study. METHODS AND MATERIALS:

  6. BACKGROUND & AIMS: We investigated whether a diagnosis of colonic diverticular disease is associated with an increased risk for subsequent development of colorectal cancer (CRC) in a nationwide population - based retrospective study. METHODS: