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  1. A division, sometimes called a business sector or business unit ( segment ), is one of the parts into which a business, organization or company is divided. [1] Overview [ edit] Divisions are distinct parts of a business.

  2. 事業部制 (英語: DivisionDivisional Structure )是企業根據自身業務對旗下部門進行劃分的管理制度,劃分的方式有產品、產業鏈、地區或者顧客群等。 劃分出來的事業部門擁有較大的自主性,擁有獨立的管理團隊,自主經營和結算 [1] 。 沿革 [ 編輯] 事業部制出現於20世紀20年代,美國 通用汽車 併購了大量小型公司,而且很多業務和通用汽車原來的業務無關,導致企業內部的管理成本大幅度增加,時任副總裁 艾爾弗雷德·斯隆 參考 杜邦 的經驗,於1924年完成了通用汽車的改革,建立的管理架構被稱為「事業部制」 [1] 。

  3. 2023年2月15日 · A divisional organizational structure is a system in which the business is divided into segments by product, market or geographies, whereas organizations are typically grouped by departments and job roles. Companies organized divisionally might have a U.S. segment and a European segment, and each division would be able to fully operate on its own.

  4. The divisional structure or product structure consists of self-contained divisions. A division is a collection of functions which produce a product. It also utilizes a plan to compete and operate as a separate business or profit center.

  5. 2024年4月1日 · A divisional structure is a system of organization where the employees are segmented into semi-autonomous units known as divisions. It is implemented to organize a company’s operations into separate divisions or business units, each with its autonomous management.

  6. A corporate division, also known as a business division, is a discrete part of a company that may operate under the same name and legal responsibility or as a separate corporate and legal entity under another business name.