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  1. poe過濾器3.22 相關

  2. 電子觸控龍頭、熱水安全鎖,大容量設計,雙控溫,一鍵即刻出水,全台11間好水體驗中心,速試喝! 一級節能『真』省電,年年省近60%電費!千山淨水過濾器國際雙認證,馬上安裝!

  3. momo超級優惠價來了!你需要的過濾器現貨所剩不多,今天刷卡再享回饋! 立即到momo逛好物,快速送到家!想買的「過濾器」輕鬆入手,超划算!


  1. 2019年9月11日 · 前往我的 Item Filters頁面,左上角登入,選擇需要的過濾器按追隨. (NeverSink是原始配色;ShaperVoice是塑界者語音版) 訂閱後,進入遊戲內進行選擇即可. ESC > 設定 (Options) > 遊戲 (Game) > 物品篩選名單 (List of Item Filters) (會顯示水藍色) 選項二:下載檔案 (需每次手動更新):>免費解壓縮程式7-Zip下載點< >>GoogleDrive<< (含14+1種顏色/自訂音效/塑界者語音/ 殘暴模式) 下載版不會自動經濟更新,有需求定期請至 FilterBlade 自行下載. 下載完成後,請參照下方表格選擇喜歡的風格配色,然後將0-6的.filter檔 (殘暴為.ruthlessfilter檔)

  2. 2023年8月18日 · 此版新增3.22相關物品過濾。. 這是先行版本,用於因應8/19國際服開服,必須等新聯盟上線後,方可使用。. 國際服官網追隨,屆時會同步更新,後續會即時修正。. 自行編輯者,務必閱讀官方公告。. Item Filter Information ...

  3. 2023年8月18日 · 手把手帶你只用30D組一隻DPS三千五百. 心得. 劫盜心得文 (2.5新增應否洗契約書. 攻略. 紀錄里程碑也順便分享一下這季的流. 問題. 請問有人有文子過濾器3.20了嗎? . 有人有3.22 蚊子過濾器了嗎?

    • Short Overview
    • New Items
    • Tiering
    • Rare, Crafting, New Bases Quality
    • Tinctures
    • Gold
    • Map Adjustments
    • Misc Changes

    This is a HUGE update that includes a ton of changes related to the new basetypes, quality changes, new tierlists, general QOL and other adjustments. Note that it has an overhaul-nature, so expect a lot of finetunings over the next days and weeks!

    Added prismatic oil (to the oil tierlist), maven's chisels, reflective mist (to the general currency),An Audience With The King (fragment)
    Added new divination cards and reintroduced some old ones.
    Added a rune tierlist
    Added a corpse tierlist (wow...)
    All tierlists have been adjusted:
    This currently includes the following tierlists: Uniques, Divination Cards, Fragments (incl. splinters), Currency (incl. stacked currency and shards), Scarabs, Unique Maps, Fossils, Incubators, Oil...
    Scarabs, fragments and similar items now have a slightly different color style to support larger tierlists.
    Scarabs now have 6 tiers instead of 4. Rebalanced the tiering of scarabs.
    Retiered all of the rares, crafting bases etc. It has much more focus on melee items and the major defense types are AR/EV->AR->EV->AR/ES->Rest
    A lot of sections have had their tiering adjusted due to the meta changes.
    Added a new section (currently included "Riveted Boots" "Steel Kite Shield") for high prospect omen of chancing targets. This section requires 29 quality or higher for items to get highlighted
    Entirely reworked the previous 'perfection' section:
    These rules are HIGHLY temporary and will be adjusted once we know more about the rarity, mods and usefulness of tinctures
    Added a tincture leveling rule (it will highlight any tincture that drops while leveling)
    Added a tincture endgame rule: highly any tincture of quality 26%+
    Added a tincture endgame rule: highly any tincture of itemlevel 82+
    Added several new rules to highlight gold depending on stack size
    Since gold is autpickup and doesn't take inventory slots, it's color, font size etc is designed to be more subtle
    Added a special rule to highlight 8-mod corrupted maps
    The Vaal Temple Map now has dedicated rule.
    Resorted the order of map rules
    Maps with any implicit and maps with 1 corrupted modifier rules are now disabled by default (they wil be shown if the map tier is shown)
    Added 2 new leveling rules for dedicated highlight for the following orbs: "Chromatic Orb" "Orb of Chance" "Orb of Alteration" "Blacksmith's Whetstone"
    Added a dedicated rule for stygian vise and stygian vise ilvl 86
    Split the rare weapon melee rules into 1h and 2h. 1h melee items have a yellow-orange-brown highlight (not super happy with the color), while 2h melee uses the old red one.
    Removed extractable ring annointments for gold oils and silver oils (as oil extractor has been removed)
  4. 2022年8月25日 · 並在台服更新前以 3.18 D2過濾器為基底 將新物品新增至 3.19 D2過濾器 也將 3.19 崇高石、玷汙的崇高石、異能崇高石修改為 3.18 神聖石特效音效

  5. 你可以在下方檢視熱門的物品篩選器。. 要使用這些篩選器,先點選其名稱,然後按「追蹤」按鈕,接著物品篩選器便會出現在遊戲內(選項→遊戲玩法)供您選擇。. 角色、技能、天賦,你的每一個選擇,都讓你與眾不同。. 最多年度大獎、歐美評比第一的 ...

  6. 物品過濾讓你高亮想撿的物品, 或是隱藏不想看到的物品. 官方中文指引. 過濾設定檔. 開啟檔案總管後將下述字串拷貝, 貼到路徑上, 即可開啟設定檔儲存位置. %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\ 檔名請用英文, 副檔名必須是 .filter. 使用者名稱有非英文字元可能也會導致讀取 filter 失效. 在遊戲中, 選單 -> 設定 -> 介面 -> 物品篩選名單 下拉選單就可以選擇你要用的設定檔. 可以用 Notepad++, 選單 -> 編碼 -> 編譯成 UTF-8 碼. Windows內建的記事本可以用另存新檔 -> 編碼 (E): 選擇 UTF-8. 設定教學. 在條件內的所有需求都必須完成才會觸發.