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  1. 上海航运交易所版权所有,未经许可,不得转载或者用于任何形式的商业用途 如需订购,请洽: 陈女士 021-65151166 - 2376 姜先生 021-65151166 - 2356 昝先生 021-65151166 - 2352

  2. 您本月的下載額度已用完,系統將在每月 1 號重新配送 200 筆下載額度,屆時您能重新下載 收藏至圖組 若該圖表不隸屬於任何自製圖組,直接點按確認也能新增於我的儀表板

  3. 中國出口集裝箱運價指數(CCFI)是 1998 年 4 月 23 日由上海航運交易所(Shanghai Shipping Exchange)首次編製發佈的。 CCFI 在眾多的出口集裝箱運輸航線中選擇了 12 條航線作為代表,並以這些航線的運價和箱量為依據計算運價指數。 數據為每週公佈,能即時反映從中國港口出口的集裝箱運輸價格變動趨勢。 CCFI 樣本航線的國內出發港分別為:大連、天津、青島、上海、南京、寧波、廈門、福州、深圳和廣州。 而上海為中國的航運中心以及重要出口起運點,故除了觀察 CCFI 外,也可同步觀察上海出口集裝箱運價指數(SCFI)。 中國做為全球出口最多的國家,運價指數可以有效反映目前全球貿易的供需狀況,本數據將於每週固定更新截止至上週五的狀況。

  4. 2024年6月18日 · SCFI,為上海出口集裝箱運價指數(S hanghai C ontainerized F reight I ndex的縮寫顧名思義是計算上海貨櫃船前往各港口的平均運價指數,可以反映各航線的海運運價水準。 因為SCFI的指數與報價是前一周離港的貨櫃船的運價水準,所以相較其他指標更為即時。 SCFI指數每周五下午三時,將會由 上海航運交易所網站 發布。...

  5. Shanghai Export Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) was officially launched as of October 16, 2009. This index reflects the ocean freight and the associated seaborne surcharges of individual shipping routes on the spot market. Shipping routes, which are major container trade routes export from Shanghai to the following regions: Europe ...

  6. 2 天前 · SCFI跌破3,000點 兩張催貨王牌失靈?. 17:222024/08/30. 工商. 邱莉玲. 上海出口運價指數SCFI失守3,000點關卡,30日續跌4.33%、收2,963.38點,回落至5月底的 ...

  7. 1. What is SCFI? SCFI is the abbreviation of Shanghai Containerized Freight Index that shows the fluctuation of spot freight rates of export container transport market in Shanghai. 2. What is the meaning of freight rates of individual routes?

  8. What is SCFI? SCFI is the abbreviation of Shanghai Containerized Freight Index that reflects the fluctuation of spot freight rates on export container transport market from Shanghai. 2. What is the definition of freight rates of individual routes?

  9. First released in 1998 by the Shanghai Shipping Exchange, the China Export Containerized Freight Index (CCFI) is based on the freight rate and volume of 12 selected trade routes around the world, reflecting changes in freight rates.

  10. › indices › introduction_scfi_newShanghai Shipping Exchange

    Shanghai Shipping Exchange. About SCFI. For the purposes of satisfying the demand of developing international container freight derivatives and improving the system of China's export containerized freight indices, Shanghai Export Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) was officially launched as of October 16, 2009. I. General Conditions of SCFI.

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