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  1. The USC School of Cinematic Arts offers Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Arts degrees in Writing for Screen and Television for students who seek professional preparation for a career in screen and television writing. The programs emphasizes small, workshop-style classes.

  2. 南加州大學電影藝術學院(英語: USC School of Cinematic Arts ),是一所隸屬於南加州大學的私立電影學院,位於美國 加利福尼亞州 洛杉磯。

  3. 南加州大学电影艺术学院 (英語: USC School of Cinematic Arts),是一所隶属于 南加州大学 的私立电影学院,位于 美国 加利福尼亚州 洛杉矶。 历史. 该学院创办于1929年,是全美最古老、最大的电影学院, [2][4][5] 它提供的有关电影方面的教育在全球享誉盛名。 [4][5] 许多曾在该学院就读的学生后来成为了电影界的知名人物,包括《星球大战》系列的导演 乔治·卢卡斯 、《达芬奇密码》的导演 朗·霍华德 、《阿甘正传》的导演 罗伯特·泽米吉斯 等。 该学院校友乔治·卢卡斯捐建的教学楼. 学院由 范朋克 、 大卫·格里菲斯 、 恩斯特·刘别谦 、 欧文·托尔伯格 等电影界人士于1929年创办。 [5] 2006年4月,南加州大学批准学院改为现在的名称。

  4. experiences, giving students the skills and vision to become tomorrow's creative leaders. Programs List. For Storytellers of all ages: Create a script or direct a short film and earn a Certificate of Completion from USC School of Cinematic Arts.

  5. Welcome to the USC School of Cinematic Arts, where we invite you to explore and expand the power and potential of film, television and new media. For time immemorial, the desire for humans to imagine and create characters, environments and adventures has been a universal catalyst that binds people, cultures and entire civilizations; giving us ...

  6. Holly Willis is the Chair of the Media Arts + Practice Division in USC’s School of Cinematic Arts and Co-Director of the new Center for Generative AI and Society. She teaches classes on digital media, post-cinema and feminist film, and is the author of Fast Forward: The Future(s) of the Cinematic Arts and New Digital Cinema: Reinventing the Moving Image, as well of Björk Digital, and the ...

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  8. Since its founding, the School of Cinematic Arts has had a profound impact on feature and independent film, television, film studies, animation, documentaries, commercials, and most recently, interactive media.