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  1. A unitary state is a sovereign state governed as a single entity in which the central government is the supreme authority. The central government may create or abolish administrative divisions (sub-national units).

  2. 單一制 (英語:unitary state)是一種 國家 結構形式,指 中央政府 擁有對整個國家 領土 的絕對 主權 並且 集中所有政治權力 ,與 聯邦制 相對。 多數單一制國家的中央政府仍會將權力下放,進行 地方分權 ,成立不同級別的 行政區域 及 地方政府 ,來協助管理具體 地區 事務。 惟獨,地方政府所擁有的權力都來自中央政府所“借”出的授權,而中央政府可隨時收回權力,並廢除或成立新的行政區域。 基於單一制國家中,只有一部法律與制度得到廣泛承認,使其具備統一的現行 憲法 以及統一的 法律體系 ,國家具有統一的立法、行政、司法系统,國民具有統一的 國籍 身份。 根據對權力的集中程度,有人亦將單一制分為 中央集權 型和非中央集權型( 地方分權 )。

    • Examples of Unitary States
    • Unitary States vs. Federations
    • Unitary States vs. Authoritarian States
    • Pros and Cons

    Of the 193 member countries of the United Nations, 165 are unitary states. The United Kingdom and France are two well-recognized examples.

    The opposite of a unitary state is a federation. A federation is a constitutionally organized union or alliance of partially self-governing states or other regions under a central federal government. Unlike the largely powerless local governments in a unitary state, the states of a federation enjoy some degree of independence in their internal affa...

    Unitary states should not be confused with authoritarian states. In an authoritarian state, all governing and political power is vested in a single individual leader or small, elite group of individuals. The leader or leaders of an authoritarian state are not chosen by the people, nor are they constitutionally responsible to the people. Authoritari...

    The unitary state is the most common form of government in the world. This system of government has its benefits, but as with all schemes of dividing power between government and the people, it also has drawbacks.

  3. unitary state, a system of political organization in which most or all of the governing power resides in a centralized government, in contrast to a federal state. A brief treatment of the unitary state follows. For additional discussion, see Political system: Unitary nation-states; federation; confederation.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica