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  1. 2024年6月15日 · 澎湖縣 (臺灣話: Phênn-ôo-kuān/Phînn-ôo-kuān),古稱 平湖 、 彭湖,位於 臺灣 南部 臺灣海峽,由 澎湖群島 所組成,以 澎湖水道 與臺灣本島之 雲林縣 、 嘉義縣 相望。 縣治及最大城市為 馬公市 (同時也是離島最大城市)。 澎湖縣內轄有1 市 、5 鄉,共有6個鄉市。 由於特殊的地理位置及優良的港灣條件,自古以來便是往來臺灣海峽的移民中繼站與軍事要地 [2]。 由於縣內遍布 天人菊,澎湖也有「菊島」的美稱。 澎湖縣四面環海,早期經濟活動以 漁業 為主,隨著漁業資源逐漸枯竭(面積狹小卻有 69 座 漁港),現已轉型為以觀光為主。 [3] 歷史. [編輯] 地名考源. [編輯] 根據《澎湖縣志》記載,澎湖原名 平湖。 平字在臺語中和彭字同音而演化成 澎湖。

    • 澎湖縣歷史

      澎湖縣歷史. 澎湖,古稱「平湖」或「彭湖」。. 史前時期, ...

  2. 澎湖縣 (臺灣話: Phênn-ôo-kuān/Phînn-ôo-kuān),古稱 平湖 、 彭湖,位於 臺灣 南部 臺灣海峽,由 澎湖群島 所組成,以 澎湖水道 與臺灣本島之 雲林縣 、 嘉義縣 相望。. 縣治及最大城市为 馬公市 (同時也是離島最大城市)。. 澎湖縣內轄有1 市 、5 鄉,共有6 ...

  3. 澎湖縣歷史. 澎湖,古稱「平湖」或「彭湖」。. 史前時期,有在澎湖海溝發現的 澎湖原人,屬於 更新世 中後期的 直立人; 粗繩紋陶 為代表的 新石器文化 存在,證明澎湖至少在五千年前已有人類生活。. 連橫 在1920年所著《台灣通史》稱:「澎湖之有居人,尤 ...

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 澎湖縣(臺灣話: Phîⁿ-ô -kuān/Phêⁿ-ô -kuān),是中華民國臺灣省唯一的離島縣,位於臺灣海峽上,由澎湖群島所組成,以澎湖水道與臺灣本島之雲林縣、嘉義縣相望。人口有超過六成定居於縣治及最大城市馬公市(同時也是離島最大城市),澎湖...

  6. › wiki › PenghuPenghu - Wikipedia

    • Name
    • History
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    The "Penghu" islands were mentioned in a series of poems during the Tang dynasty (618–907). During the Song dynasty (960–1279), it was mentioned that during the Tang period, "Pinghu" barbarians from beyond Quanzhou had laid siege to Fuzhou, now the capital of Fujian Province. In 1171, poet Lou Yue[zh] described a place across the sea from Quanzhou,...


    Penghu 1, a fossil jaw (mandible) dating to the Middle or Late Pleistocene that belonged to a member of an extinct hominin species, possibly a Denisovan, was discovered in the Penghu Channel c.2008. Finds of fine red cord-marked pottery at Guoye, Huxi, indicate that Penghu was visited by Austronesiansfrom southwestern Taiwan around 5,000 years ago, though not settled permanently.

    Song dynasty

    Han Chinese from southern Fujian began to establish fishing communities on the islands in the 9th and 10th centuries, and representatives were intermittently stationed there by the Southern Song and Yuan governments from c.1170. Chinese fishermen had settled on the Penghu Islands by 1171, when a group of "Bisheye" bandits with dark skin speaking a foreign language landed on Penghu and plundered the fields planted by Chinese migrants. The Song government sent soldiers after them and from that...

    Yuan dynasty

    In November 1281, the Yuan dynasty under Emperor Shizu officially established the Penghu Patrol and Inspection Agency under the jurisdiction of Tong'anCounty, incorporating Penghu into China's borders 403 years earlier than Taiwan. Wang Dayuan gave a detailed first-hand account of the islands in his Daoyi Zhilüe(1349).

    Penghu County has a dry-winter humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwa), bordering on a regular humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa).

    Penghu is the remnant of a Miocene aged shield volcano, the stratigraphy of the island is dominated by two to four layers of basalt interbedded with sandstone and mudstonedeposited in shallow marine conditions.


    The majority of the populace (72%+) in Penghu are descendants of settlers from Tong'an in Fujian.


    In Penghu, the native language is Taiwanese Hokkien, with Tong'andialect being the most prevalent speech.

    Penghu County is administered by Penghu County Government headed by Magistrate Lai Feng-wei of the Kuomintangand headquartered at the Penghu County Hall.

    Despite the controversy over the political status of Taiwan, both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China agree that Penghu is a county in (their own respective) "Taiwan Province" (Taiwan Province, Republic of China and Taiwan Province, People's Republic of China). Yet, geographically, the island of Taiwan does not include Penghu, ...

    Due to its restricted geography, fisheries have been the main industry for Penghu. The Agriculture and Fisheries Bureau of the Penghu County Government governs matters related to agriculture and fisheries in Penghu. In 2016, the bureau placed a ban on the harvesting of sea urchins due to their declining population. However, the ban was lifted in 20...

    Education-related matters in Penghu County are administered under the Education Department of the Penghu County Government. The county houses the National Penghu University of Science and Technology.

    Penghu is powered by the Chienshan Power Plant, a 140 MW diesel-fired power plant commissioned in 2001, and the Hujing Power Plant on Table Island. On 24 December 2010, the Taiwan-Penghu Undersea Cable Project of Taipower was approved by the Executive Yuan to connect the electrical gridin Taiwan Island to Penghu. Under a wind power development proj...

  7. › zh › articles澎湖縣 - Wikiwand


  8. 澎湖群島位於臺灣本島與中國之間,由於具有先天地理與港灣的優越特殊條件,自古即為軍事要衝及重要的移民中繼站,是臺灣開發最早的地區。 史前. 根據考古學家的考證,澎湖在五千年前即有以粗繩文陶為代表的新石器文化存在,證明澎湖至少在五千年前已有先住民生活的足跡。 開拓. 澎連雅堂臺灣通史稱:「澎湖之有居人,尤遠在秦和漢之際,或曰楚滅越,越之子孫遷於閩,流落海上,或居於澎湖」。 宋朝時「澎湖」一名正式見於野史及方志,而史書上有漢人居住澎湖的確實記載始自南宋,在南宋理宗寶慶元年(西元1225年)宗室趙汝适著「諸蕃志」中明確的指出「泉有海島曰彭湖,隸晉江縣」。 元代設巡檢司. 元世祖至元18年(西元1281年)11月澎湖正式設巡檢司,隸屬福建同安,使澎湖收入中國版圖早於臺灣403年。