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  1. The Republican Party, also known as the GOP (Grand Old Party), is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. It emerged as the main political rival of the Democratic Party in the mid-1850s.

  2. 共和黨 (英語: Republican Party )是 美國 的一个 政黨 ,又被稱作 大老黨 ( Grand Old Party ,缩写为 GOP ),與 民主黨 並列為美國 兩大主要政黨 。 目前為美國聯邦 在野黨 ,並擁有 美国国会 眾議院 的多數黨地位,同時掌握了27个州的執政权,且控制绝大部分的州議会。 共和党在1854年由反对《 堪萨斯内布拉斯加法 》者创立。 共和党支持 古典自由主义 ,反对扩大 奴隶制 ,并支持 經濟改革 。 亚伯拉罕·林肯 是第一位共和党 总统 ,在林肯和共和党国会领袖的支持下,奴隶制于1865年在美国被禁止。 在 第三 、 四 政党体系时期,共和党总体上处于统治地位。

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  4. 6 天前 · 共和黨 (英語: Republican Party )是 美國 的一個 政黨 ,又被稱作 大老黨 ( Grand Old Party ,縮寫為 GOP ),與 民主黨 並列為美國 兩大主要政黨 。 目前為美國聯邦 在野黨 ,並擁有 美國國會 眾議院 的多數黨地位,同時掌握了27個州的執政權,且控制絕大部分的州議會。 共和黨在1854年由反對《 堪薩斯內布拉斯加法 》者創立。 共和黨支持 古典自由主義 ,反對擴大 奴隸制 ,並支持 經濟改革 。 亞伯拉罕·林肯 是第一位共和黨 總統 ,在林肯和共和黨國會領袖的支持下,奴隸制於1865年在美國被禁止。 在 第三 、 四 政黨體系時期,共和黨總體上處於統治地位。

    • Overview
    • History

    The Republican Party is a political party in the United States founded in 1854. The party’s first elected U.S. president was Abraham Lincoln, who took office in 1861.

    What does the Republican Party stand for?

    The Republican Party traces its roots to the 1850s, when antislavery leaders joined forces to oppose the extension of slavery into the Kansas and Nebraska territories. The party ultimately stood for slavery’s complete abolition. Today, Republicans advocate reduced taxes as a means of stimulating the economy and advancing individual economic freedom, and they generally support conservative social policies. Republicans also tend to oppose extensive government regulation of the economy, government-funded social programs, and affirmative action. Regarding foreign policy, the Republican Party traditionally has supported a strong national defense and the aggressive pursuit of U.S. national security interests. Republicans also support states’ rights against the power of the federal government in most cases.

    Read more below: Policy and structure

    Why is an elephant the symbol of the Republican Party?

    Both the Democratic Party’s donkey and the Republican Party’s elephant symbols were popularized by satirical comics drawn by Thomas Nast from 1862 to 1886. The use of animal imagery was meant as a metaphor to compare American politics to a circus.

    The term Republican was adopted in 1792 by supporters of Thomas Jefferson, who favoured a decentralized government with limited powers. Although Jefferson’s political philosophy is consistent with the outlook of the modern Republican Party, his faction, which soon became known as the Democratic-Republican Party, ironically evolved by the 1830s into the Democratic Party, the modern Republican Party’s chief rival.

    The Republican Party traces its roots to the 1850s, when antislavery leaders (including former members of the Democratic, Whig, and Free-Soil parties) joined forces to oppose the extension of slavery into the Kansas and Nebraska territories by the proposed Kansas-Nebraska Act. At meetings in Ripon, Wisconsin (May 1854), and Jackson, Michigan (July 1854), they recommended forming a new party, which was duly established at the political convention in Jackson.

    At their first presidential nominating convention in 1856, the Republicans nominated John C. Frémont on a platform that called on Congress to abolish slavery in the territories, reflecting a widely held view in the North. Although ultimately unsuccessful in his presidential bid, Frémont carried 11 Northern states and received nearly two-fifths of the electoral vote. During the first four years of its existence, the party rapidly displaced the Whigs as the main opposition to the dominant Democratic Party. In 1860 the Democrats split over the slavery issue, as the Northern and Southern wings of the party nominated different candidates (Stephen A. Douglas and John C. Breckinridge, respectively); the election that year also included John Bell, the nominee of the Constitutional Union Party. Thus, the Republican candidate, Abraham Lincoln, was able to capture the presidency, winning 18 Northern states and receiving 60 percent of the electoral vote but only 40 percent of the popular vote. By the time of Lincoln’s inauguration as president, however, seven Southern states had seceded from the Union, and the country soon descended into the American Civil War (1861–65).

    Britannica Quiz

    Republican or Democrat?

    In 1863 Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared slaves in rebelling states to be “forever free” and welcomed them to join the Union’s armed forces. The abolition of slavery would, in 1865, be formally entrenched in the Constitution of the United States with the adoption of the Thirteenth Amendment. Because the historical role played by Lincoln and the Republican Party in the abolition of slavery came to be regarded as their greatest legacy, the Republican Party is sometimes referred to as the party of Lincoln.

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