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  1. 家樂福酒精濕紙巾 相關

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  1. In Oh Really?, a game created by visual artist MC Marquis, players try to correctly guess the order of preference of other players among five completely different topics.The more accurate your guesses are, the more points you score. Oh Really? brings laughter, discussions and small discomforts, all of which can be a great icebreaker for your dinners, parties or even on a date!

    • (75)
  2. The gaming board consists of a middle column of nine rows that each can hold up to five tiles. To the left and right of this column, there are two sliding platforms that can hold up to three tiles. The starting player distributes 35 colored tiles (seven colors with five tiles ...

  3. Four playing pieces (e.g., cars, dogs, cats, dwarves) are put onto a race track. The players then take turns to roll a regular and a color die and move the piece of the corresponding color forward by the rolled number. Whoever manages to get most pieces (any color) over the finish line, wins.

  4. Awards 1996 Vuoden Lastenpeli (Finland), Children's Game of the Year 1996 Årets Børnespil (Denmark), Children's Game of the Year COMPONENTS (Happy Feet Mumble’s Tumble edition, 2006): Plastic: 1 Iceberg (translucent light aqua blue; 23x23x7cm) 1

  5. "The Crazy Coconut Grabbing Game" An Action/Dexterity game for two players; best played on the floor. Special mallets are used to whack the base of a coconut tree. The monkey "gets mad" and throws down coconuts. Players rush to collect the coconuts by bashing them with the mallets. When struck correctly, the coconut is sucked into the mallet. The player with the most coconuts at the end is the ...

  6. The trivia game ...I Should Have Known That! contains more than four hundred questions about things that you should know. Sound like a piece of cake? You'll be surprised how baffling even the easiest questions can be when you don't have Google at your fingertips! Instead of receiving positive points for correct answers, you are burdened with negative points for wrong answers — and the ...

  7. Compete on the obstacles and cross country in this 2-in-1 equestrian game.