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  1. 在 Stockpile 中,玩家扮演 20 世紀末的股市投資者,希望一夜暴富,遊戲結束時擁有最多資金的投資者就是贏家。. Stockpile 的中心思想是沒有人對股票市場瞭如指掌,但每個人都知道一些事情。. 在遊戲中,這種理念體現在兩個方面:內幕信息和儲備。. 首先,每輪 ...

  2. 在 Stockpile 中,玩家扮演 20 世纪末的股市投资者,希望一夜暴富,游戏结束时拥有最多资金的投资者就是赢家。. Stockpile 的中心思想是没有人对股票市场瞭如指掌,但每个人都知道一些事情。. 在游戏中,这种理念体现在两个方面:内幕信息和储备。. 首先,每轮 ...

  3. 在遊戲最後結算時,把 玩家的 水晶數量 加上 擁有 卡片的價值 ,最高的即為贏家。. 第二版平衡 - 1.神僕石像額外增加進場時獲得10分 2.伊斯塔的天秤由棄掉四個相同元素得12分改成棄掉三個相同元素得9分. 提示: 當玩家得到元素使元素庫存超過 上限 時,必須 ...

    • Objective
    • Setup
    • Player's Turn
    • The Actions
    • Additional Rules For 2 Player Games
    • Variants

    To be the first player to solve your own Mystery, correctly identifying the Person,Location, and Weapon.

    Each player will receive one Person, one Location, and one Weapon card in addition of two random cards. You must choose exactly one Person, one Location, and one Weapon card, and place them face down in front of you. The two remaining cards are kept secret in front of you. Playing Hint: You can choose any combination, but try to avoid three of the ...

    At the beginning of your turn, if you have no Magnifying Glasses, take one from the general supply. If the supply is empty, take one from the player of your choice instead. Next, “spend” all your Magnifying Glasses. Each Magnifying Glass spent lets you choose one of the following actions. You can take these actions in any order you choose, and you ...

    Question a Witness

    Give your Magnifying Glass to the player of your choice, then ask that player how many cards they see that are of one suit or one category. The player you ask must answer truthfully(no bluffing is allowed!), based on everything they can see: all the cards on the screens in front of the other players and the two cards behind their screen

    Consult the Secret Informant

    Give your Magnifying Glass to the player who has no Magnifying Glasses (if more than one, the tied player closest to you, counting clockwise; if all players have at least one Magnifying Glass, discard it to the general supply instead), then choose oneof the face down Secret Informant cards, look at it secretly, then put it back where it was, face down. Note: This option is not available in a six-player game.

    Make an Accusation

    Give your Magnifying Glass to the player who has no Magnifying Glasses (if more than one, the tied player closest to you, counting clockwise; if all players have at least one Magnifying Glass, discard it to the general supply instead), then try to solve your mystery! Name one Person, one Location, and one Weapon(for example: “It was the Butcher in the Park with the Sword!”). You cannot make an accusation that includes cards you can see (either behind your screen or on other players’ screens)....

    Ignore the Magnifying Glasses and their rules. Each player always takes only one action each turn.
    When you ask how many cards your opponent sees, you mustalso specify "including the card on your left" or "including the card on your right". Your opponent only takes into account the card behind t...

    Top Secret: This variant is for 3-6 players. Each player is given a top secret token. When you question a witness, you can discard it with the magnifying glass. If so, the question and answer are o...

  4. Overview. Play lower numbers onto opposite colors (reds on blacks and blacks on reds) If you have a King, you MAY play it on one of the four corner areas, which then becomes a new pile to play lower numbers of opposite colors onto.

  5. Diamant. 在《印加寶藏》中,玩家將進入傾頹的神殿,並冒著一次比一次更大的風險,試圖找出最多的珠寶。. 每回合翻開一張牌,也許會增加神殿中發現的寶藏或出現危險—玩家能選擇逃跑並保留已獲得的戰利品;或期待增加獲利而留在神殿中,但承受致命危機 ...

  6. Carcassonne is a tile-laying game in which players fill in the countryside around the fortified city. They will lay tiles and place their followers onto roads and into cities, monasteries and fields. Players score points by having followers on features as they're completed.

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