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  1. 2023年11月6日 · The trial spawner is a cunning device that spews out a number of mobs based on the size of your adventuring party, which means it scales the challenge (and the reward!) to the number of players facing it. The blocks around the trial spawner can also hint at which mobs might spawn!

  2. Minecraft 15 天. 個人物品免費放送 15 天,慶祝 Minecraft 15 週年!. 5 月 15 日至 29 日期間,每天都可到 Minecraft Bedrock 更衣室領取禮物。. 加入 Minecraft 方塊派對吧!. 5 月 15 日至 29 日期間,可前往 Minecraft Bedrock 更衣室領取每日免費個人物品。. 取得 PC 啟動器 獲取 ...

  3. 2024年4月26日 · The Tricky Trials Update is going to be filled with daring adventures and surprising rewards. Hunt for the trial chambers, and take on the challenge that awaits you in this sprawling copper structure. Fight off unfamiliar foes like the bogged and the breeze in your hunt for an elusive trial key!

  4. 瞭解如何在 Minecraft Realms 上使用「分享連結」邀請好友。 您可以使用「分享連結」將還不是您好友人邀請到您 Realm。

  5. 2023年11月22日 · Recently, we introduced a new feature that allows you to purchase the game as a present for someone else, called Gifting Minecraft. Curious about how it works? Let’s find out how you can gift Minecraft: Java Edition & Bedrock Edition for PC!

  6. 踏上通往新世界旅程,在陌生環境中徹底發揮想像力。 有這麼多值得探索東西,可能性幾乎無窮無盡。 來看看有哪些世界等待著你吧

  7. 在这 15 年间,我们共同造就了无数精彩纷呈冒险、种种充满才思创作,更共筑了一个社区,而这个社区每一个方块都留下了我们最珍贵记忆! 庆祝 15 周年

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