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  1. 2023年6月5日 · Guides. How to craft. 學習其中一項 Minecraft 基礎內容! 如同您可能已有所懷疑的一樣,在玩 Minecraft 時,製作是很重要的一部分。 您不一定要製作,但如此一來您就不能在遊戲中享受更多樂趣。 您可以選擇要如何製作。 但若您對製作工藝感到好奇,就讓我們一起了解相關基礎知識吧! 開始製作. 首先,讓我們做好準備! 巧婦難為無米之炊,即使「無中生有」這件事很酷、令人激動且可能顛覆宇宙規律,這件事也不可能成真。 首先,我們要示範製作可協助您完成其他製作工作的物品 - 工作檯 ! 工作檯讓您可使用 Minecraft 中的所有製作配方。 您也可在不使用工作檯的情況下,製作許多基礎物品,例如建造方塊、採礦工具,以及因安全(還有出於時尚目的! )所需的盔甲。

  2. This video, by Pick A Trick, contains ten Minecraft-flavoured DIY projects that you can do on your own or with friends and family to turn your whole life into Minecraft. Perhaps you'd like to make yourself a Steve head out of cardboard and paint, for an impressive Halloween costume (or just to wear around the house), complete with a diamond ...

  3. 2023年6月28日 · Chiseled Bookshelf | Minecraft. Deep Dives. Block of the Month: Chiseled Bookshelf. Don’t be shelfish! Keeping things in chests is nice, but it’s tough to know what’s in the chest before you open it. An item frame is another storage solution, but each frame holds just one item at a time.

  4. › en-us › articleBrush | Minecraft

    2023年7月6日 · To make a brush, you’ll need a stick, a copper ingot, and a soft feather to do the actual brushing. Line them up in that order from bottom to top in a crafting grid, and you’re ready to go. Next, you’ll need to find some suspicious sand or suspicious gravel. Try looking around desert wells, pyramids, ocean ruins, or trail ruins.

  5. 鑿刻書架是一種具功能性的方塊,讓您能存放並取回書籍、完成書、附魔書和存放並取回羽毛筆。 將其與紅石整合,成為有史以來最智慧的書架! 至少在主世界中是如此。 駱駝.

  6. 2023年8月7日 · Ingeniously, Minimal Furniture gives you four commands in your taskbar that you can use to tweak the position of every piece of furniture. This lets you shuffle cabinets into position, rotate items, and quickly remove them if you want to redesign a room. I spend a while positioning my bed in a room with a lovely view of the harbour.

  7. 2021年12月1日 · Guides. Tutorial: 100 Mini Builds. So you've built your house/castle/dungeon full of cows, but there's just... something missing. The problem is, there's hardly any room to improve! That's where mini builds come in — tiny little decorative touches that can really elevate your builds from great to... really great.

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