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  1. Now available for Windows. Real-time ray tracing for Windows pushes Minecraft’s graphical boundaries even more! Enabled by Minecraft’s Render Dragon graphics engine, ray tracing brings realistic lighting capabilities, such as global illumination and per pixel lighting, plus support for advanced textures to your world.

  2. Like heavy drops of rain falling on the leaves of a mangrove tree. Or how the soft snow drifts down to wrap the Overworld up in a bright, white blanket. Now you can find six soothing scenes in a playlist on our YouTube channel , listen to the serene soundscapes on Spotify , and download their matching wallpapers to your device!

  3. 2023年12月22日 · 2023/12/22. Discover the best add-ons, mods, and more being built by the incredible Minecraft community! Settle into three soothing Minecraft stories. Flit from dreamy deserts to tranquil taigas and lulling lush cave s – each with a uniquely serene soundscape and soothing animations.

  4. This is the deal of Disaster Star Survival. The objective is simple and communicated by the last word in the title, and to keep you company you can pick up to four disasters to liven up your experience. Acid rain that tears at you when you’re out in the open

  5. 2023年9月22日 · In this article, we’ll explain what they are, how to use them, and provide a list of some of the most useful commands for players. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to Minecraft’s blockverse, you’re sure to find something useful here. Let’s get started and learn how to use commands in Minecraft!

  6. 考古. 挖掘藏在主世界沙土表面之下的秘密! 挖掘以尋找埋藏的遺跡,並輕刷沙土方塊以開採陶器碎片。 懸掛式告示牌. 使用任何一種您喜歡的木頭方塊類型,將標誌掛在方塊下方或側邊。 無論您想如何講述自身的 Minecraft 故事,懸掛式告示牌一定不會讓您的訊息石沉大海! 竹子套裝. 竹子不僅具有裝飾性,也富有功能性! 以與使用其他木頭方塊類型製作相同的方法,使用竹子製作。 竹子能讓您製作獨一無二的馬賽克磁磚和竹筏。 鑿刻書架是一種具功能性的方塊,讓您能存放並取回書籍、完成書、附魔書和存放並取回羽毛筆。 將其與紅石整合,成為有史以來最智慧的書架! 至少在主世界中是如此。 駱駝.

  7. 2023年12月12日 · Realms Stories* is a new social hub available for testing that lets you share your greatest gameplay moments with your fellow Realm members. You can shout about a success, ask for advice on your latest build, showcase something you’re proud of, or simply tell the world a Pillager attack is incoming (!)

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