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  1. Minecraft 的世界相當巨大,何不趁此機會讓它超越方塊界限呢?. 使用我們最愛的 Minecraft 桌布和社群橫幅等,自訂您的裝置!. 查看所有收藏品. 在 Minecraft 官方網站探索全新遊戲冒險、配件和商品。. 在此購買和下載遊戲,或是查看網站掌握最新消息。.

  2. Minecraft Classic. Minecraft 2009 只有 32 个方块可用于建造,还涵盖所有原始错误和只有老一辈人才会喜欢的界面,但它比我们记忆中的样子更加光彩夺目!. 畅玩 Minecraft Classic. 庆祝 Minecraft 15 周年!. 于 6 月 15 日前参与 Minecraft 周年庆促销活动,尽情购物,所有游戏均 ...

  3. 2024年5月17日 · The 15th Anniversary cape. Get a special cape and today’s Character Creator item. Welcome to day 3 of our 15th anniversary celebration! And today is a special one, because it’s Minecraft’s actual birthday. Yes, on May 17, 2009, Cave Game came out and caused a butterfly effect that would lead to you reading this article 15 years later.

  4. With Jigarbov’s Poisonous Potato add-on, you’ll be able to experience the joy of the poisonous potato the way it was always intended – through blocks and furniture to weapons and armor. -> GET THE ADD-ON. GAMEPLAY & FEATURES. GENERAL. Poisonous potatoes – LOTS of poisonous potatoes! A few normal potatoes too! Added the Poisonous Potato Dimension.

  5. Gain access to amazing Minecraft servers using the Minecraft Server Download. Set up multi-player servers today by following the detailed instructions provided.

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  7. Hardcore mode is a sub-category of Survival mode, so you’ll need to keep an eye on your hearts and your hunger, and fend off those pesky mobs around you. Sounds pretty familiar, right? Wrong! What makes Hardcode mode different is its one life-rule. In Hardcore mode, death is permanent, so you can’t respawn once you die.