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  1. 2024年5月4日 · 雲林縣 ( 臺灣話 : Hûn-lîm-kuān ; 客家話 : Yùn-lìm-yen , 詔安腔 客拼 : bbunˋ limˋ bbien ),是 中華民國 臺灣 的 縣 ,位於 臺灣 中部 ,西邊濱臨 臺灣海峽 ,東邊以斗六丘陵與 南投縣 相隔,南邊以 北港溪 、 石龜溪 與 嘉義縣 相鄰,北邊以 濁水溪 與 ...

    • 口湖鄉

      根據雲林縣北港戶政事務所統計,2023年底口湖鄉戶數約9.2千 ...

    • 古坑鄉

      古坑鄉(臺灣話: Kóo-khenn-hiang [註 1] ),舊稱 ...

    • 北港鎮

      北港鎮(臺灣話: Pak-káng tìn ),舊稱「 ...

    • 雲林縣歷史

      雲林 縣縣名之由來始於 清治時期 , 清朝 政府在 嘉義縣 與 ...

  2. Yùn-lìm-yen. 雲林縣 ( 臺灣話 : Hûn-lîm-kuān ; 客家话 : Yùn-lìm-yen , 詔安腔 客拼 : bbunˋ limˋ bbien ),是 中華民國 臺灣 的 縣 ,位於 臺灣 中部 ,西邊濱臨 臺灣海峽 ,東邊以斗六丘陵與 南投縣 相隔,南邊以 北港溪 、 石龜溪 與 嘉義縣 相鄰,北邊以 濁水 ...

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 雲林縣政府 ( Yunlin County Government )是 中華民國 臺灣省 雲林縣 最高層級的地方行政機關,在 中華民國政府 架構中,為 縣 自治的行政機關,同時負責執行中央機關委辦事項。 雲林縣的自治監督機關本為 臺灣省政府 ,但臺灣省虛級化後,臺灣省政府的業務與功能被大幅縮減,雲林縣的自治監督機關亦改為 行政院 各部會(主要是 內政部 )。 雲林縣政府也是轄下各鄉、鎮、市的地方自治監督機關。 縣府組織 [ 編輯] 雲林縣政府所轄組織,在縣長及副縣長之下,設有23個一級機關單位包括5個局、18個處。 縣長 ,對外代表雲林縣,綜理縣政,指揮監督所屬機關及員工,並指導監督鄉(鎮、市)自治事項。 (民選產生) 副縣長 ,襄助縣長處理縣政。

    • History
    • Geography
    • Administration
    • Demographics and Culture
    • Economy
    • Education
    • Energy
    • Tourist Attractions
    • Transportation

    Dutch Formosa

    During the Dutch Formosa era, Ponkan (modern-day Beigang) was an important coastal castle.

    Qing Dynasty

    Yunlin County was established during the Qing Dynasty. Liu Mingchuan was in charge of Taiwan, which had been divided into three counties since 1683, Yunlin being part of Zhuluo County. Mountains made transportation and communication between bordering counties (Changhua and Chiayi) difficult, so Liu suggested a new county, called Yunlin, for easier management. In 1887, Yunlin became one of the four counties of the new Taiwan Prefecture.

    Empire of Japan

    During Japanese rule, Yunlin (as Unrin) County was again abolished due to the resistance from the local people and combined with Tainan Prefecture. However, Toroku Town(斗六街, modern-day Douliu)continued to be an important city of central Taiwan.

    Yunlin County is located in the central-south portion of western Taiwan and is at the northern tip of the Chianan Plain. The county is bordered by Nantou County to the east, the Taiwan Strait to the west, Chiayi County to the south separated by the Beigang River, and Changhua County to the north separated by the Zhuoshui River. Its widest distance ...

    Yunlin County is divided into 1 city, 5 urban townships and 14 rural townships. Douliu City is the county seat and home to the Yunlin County Government and the Yunlin County Council. Chang Li-shan of the Kuomintang is the incumbent Magistrateof Yunlin County. Color indicates the statutory language status of Hakkain the respective subdivisions.

    Cultural activities in the county is regulated by the Bureau of Cultural Affairs of the Yunlin County Government, which holds exhibitions, speeches, performances and studies to promote the arts and related activities.

    Yunlin County's economy relies mainly on agricultural production, including fresh-water fisheries, although there are also industrial parks. As of 2006, the land use for agriculture, forestry and fishery production accounts about 66.45% of its area. As of July 2015, the county had a total debt of NT$64.8 billion.Monthly, the county government spend...

    The county is home to four universities: the China Medical University Beigang Campus, the National Formosa University, the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology and the TransWorld University. There are 8 public senior high schools, 9 private high schools, 32 junior high schools and 156 elementary schools, as well as the National Yunl...

    Power generations

    Yunlin County houses one power plant, the Mailiao Power Plant, in Mailiao Township. Commissioned in July 1999, it has a capacity of 4,200 MW and is the third largest coal-fired power plant in Taiwan.

    Water supply

    Currently, most of the county residence use groundwater as their water supply. However, in 2016 the Hushan Dam was opened in Douliu Cityin which its reservoir will soon supply the water needs for the county residence.

    Historical buildings

    Historical buildings in the county include the House of Citizen-Memorial Hall of Attendance, Jhen Wen Academy, Erlun Story House and Xiluo Theater. Ma Min Shan Park Labyrinth The first temple theme park in Taiwan with the largest area, the park occupies a large area, full of unique mountains and rocks. It features a beautiful courtyard landscape of high mountain and stone forests, matched with beautiful surroundings. There are a total of 73 characteristic landscapes in the area. The park incl...

    Scenic spot

    1. Caolingis a popular mountain scenic spot in Yunlin County. 2. Yunling Hill is located at the intersection of three counties: Yunlin, Chiayi County, and Nantou County. It is a new mountain scenic spot, with an altitude of about 1,650 meters, offering a great view of sunrise, sunset and the sea of clouds. 3. Green Tunnel Park It is a long and narrow roadside park with a brick walking/biking path lined with mango trees. Next to the tunnel, there was a small sugar train that ran along the road...


    Prominent Temples in the county include; 1. Beigang Chaotian Temple: one of the most important Mazutemples in Taiwan and known for its magnificent temple architecture, visited by more than a million pilgrims every year 2. Beigang Wude Temple (北港武德宮): one of the largest temple dedicated to Xuan Tan Zhen Jun (玄壇真君), Martial God of Wealth 3. Xiluo Guangfu Temple: prominent Mazutemple in Xiluo township 4. Xiluo Fuxing Temple (西螺福興宮): prominent Mazutemple in Xiluo township, have an annual processi...


    Taiwan High Speed Rail Yunlin Station is located at Huwei Township. Taiwan Railways Administration has stations at Linnei, Shiliu, Douliu, Dounan and Shigui.


    National Highway No. 1 and No. 3 pass through Yunlin County. Famous bridges in the county are the Xiluo Bridge, connecting the county to the neighboring Changhua County, and the Beigang Tourist Bridge, connecting the county to the neighboring Chiayi County.


    Yunlin County does not have any airport. The nearest airport is the Chiayi Airport located in neighboring Chiayi County.

  5. › zh-tw › 雲林縣雲林縣 - Wikiwand

    Close. Quick Facts 正體字, 簡化字 ... Close. 雲林縣大部分位處臺灣西部的 嘉南平原 地形平坦氣候溫和主要產業為農漁業及糖業為臺灣農業大縣之一農業首都之稱 [2] 。 在臺灣西部各縣市中其工商業規模較小,境內的 第六套輕油裂解廠 為臺灣規模最大的石化工業區,產值達2兆新臺幣,為雲林縣生產總額的主要部分,並約佔全臺灣GDP的一成 [3] 。 由於早期中央政府的 重北輕南 政策,以致該縣至今仍以臺灣糧倉及第六套輕油裂解廠為主要帶給人們的印象 [4] 。

  6. 關於雲林. 歷史沿革. _ 列印內容. 日期105-08-24. 清康熙二十三年臺灣設一府三縣雲林地方屬諸羅縣乾隆二十六年在斗六置斗六門巡檢光緒十三年臺灣設省並設雲林縣明治三十五年日本人由於當地抗日事件之激烈乃廢之設斗六廳及至二戰後民國三十九年調整行政區域恢復雲林縣據史書記載於一六二二年即有閩人顏思齊鄭芝龍等登陸其地是為中國集體移民登陸臺灣本島墾殖之始。 荷蘭時期,笨港為荷蘭海防要塞之一。 臺灣納入清帝國版圖後,漳泉和客家之移民大舉進入雲林地方墾殖,可由現存的廟宇來分類證實之,客家移民信奉三山國王,故在雲林、嘉義一帶有許多三山國王廟,為古時客家移民所創建,至客家人遷移後成為漳泉移民信仰之對象,而漳人則為開漳聖王廟代表。